𝟒𝟔 | 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐝

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The band was greeted with a warm welcome when they arrived in Pittsburgh.

Karen : Fucking Pittsburgh.

Graham : [Smiles] Home sweet home.

Billy : We got a grand welcome home, to say the least.

Warren : You just know I showed off my girl as I walked off that plane.

Eddie : It was nice going home and seeing everyone, especially my grandma.

Bonnie : You know, I had never met anyone's families until then.

Billy : It was amazing having everyone in the one place. Camilla, Julia, Graham, my mom and the band. What more could you need?

Graham : Yeah, mom had a surprise party for us when we got back to the house.

Bonnie : I swear the whole town was in that house.

Warren : Yeah, a bunch of our childhood friends and family were there to welcome us back. [Laughs] Bonnie shook a lot of hands that day.

Bonnie : Misses Dunne is probably my favourite person on the planet ... don't tell Warren I said that.

Warren : You know she didn't believe BonBon was with me at first?

Bonnie : [Laughs] Yeah, Warren introduced me to her and she said 'Of course I know who you are! One of my favourite guitarists, in fact.'

Warren : [Chuckles] Then I said 'Yeah, you know we're engaged too, right?'

Bonnie : [Laughs] Confusion covered her face, man. I had to show her the ring before she believed us.

Warren : After that we went over to the guys and I introduced BonBon to Chuck.

Bonnie : My heart fluttered every time Warren introduced me as his fiancée. I still wasn't used to it.

Warren : [Laughs] I asked Chuck what he was up to these days and BonBon choked on her drink when he said he was a dentist.

Bonnie : I didn't realise it was that Chuck.

Graham : Yeah, Bonnie and Warren had started giggling uncontrollably so we had to direct the conversation elsewhere.

Eddie : That was when he started going on about financial stability.

Bonnie : [Scoffs] Who needs financial stability when you've got style.

Warren : [Chuckles] When Chuck suggested that we weren't making that much, Bonnie just shook her jacket and said 'That's what you think, but this is designer, darling.'

Bonnie : Wouldn't know it if it hit him in the face.

Warren : For the record, that was the only designer jacket she owned at the time.

Bonnie : I cried after I brought it. It was such a waste of money.

Billy : Yeah, we asked Bonnie to get Chuck another drink.

Bonnie : That's when I ran into Karen.

Karen : Bonnie's known me longer than anyone else at that party.

Bonnie : I knew something was up.

Karen : I didn't have to say a word.

Bonnie : Karen's face said it all.

Karen : Bonnie pulled me in for a hug and that was all I needed in that moment.

Bonnie : I knew Karen, and I knew a child was not something she wanted.

Karen : After everything Bonnie had lost before, I felt bad that she was the one that had to comfort me.

Bonnie : [Shakes head] It didn't make a difference to me. Having that child would've brought the same amount of pain to Karen that losing a child had brought to me. No one should have to experience that.

Karen : We went inside to talk in private and Bonnie found the number of a clinic in the phone book.

Bonnie : We booked an appointment and sat in silence for a bit.

Karen : I don't know what I would've done without Bonnie that day, she was really there for me.

Bonnie : I took my leave when Camilla walked in. I knew Karen planned on telling her.

Graham : Bonnie came back without Chuck's drink.

Bonnie : I mean, I was a bit preoccupied.

Eddie : [Laughs] As soon as she returned, she turned around and tried again.

Billy : Warren followed after her, we were hoping at least one of them would remember Chuck's drink.

Warren : Yeah about that ... [Chuckles].

Bonnie : [Chuckles] Chuck never got that drink.

Eddie : One minute, I looked over to see them talking and smiling. Next minute, they were nowhere to be seen.

Graham : I ended up getting the drink for Chuck.

Billy : Come to think of it, I didn't see either of them until the show.

Warren : We were a bit ... preoccupied.

Bonnie : Don't worry about it.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now