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The band awaited news about Bonnie's condition.

Karen : About an hour after Warren disappeared through the doors, he returned with puffy eyes.

Graham : Warren explained the situation and told us that Bonnie wasn't up for seeing anyone.

Eddie : I don't think any of us knew what to do. We were always there for one another, but this time ... there was nothing we could do.

Rod : We left the hospital at around one in the morning. We had an early start the following day, but none of us knew if the show would even go ahead.

Karen : As far as I was aware, we would not do a show unless every band member was present. Turns out, that was not the case.

Rod : Billy was able to play Bonnie's parts. It all depended on whether Warren would stay at the hospital or continue with the tour.

Graham : I mean, I assumed Warren would stay at the hospital with Bonnie.

Billy : We all thought he would stay.

Eddie : We were shocked to see Warren sitting on the bus, all packed up and ready to go.

Karen : When we asked him what he was doing, he said 'The love of my life broke up with me and now I'm off to play some fucking show, what does it look like?'

Warren : Bonnie and I ... we were both upset and we both did stupid things.

Daisy : I ran into Karen the night before and she told me everything that happened. I went to the hospital early the following morning.

Bonnie : I was wallowing in self-pity when Daisy walked in.

Daisy : It was clear that she hadn't slept, otherwise I would have had a pillow thrown at my head for waking her up at such an early hour.

Bonnie : I didn't really feel anything at the sight of Daisy. Not shock, not anger, not anything. I was tired and in pain. There wasn't much room for anything else.

Daisy : There was no point in asking her how she was doing, so I just sat next to her and waited for her to talk. That is, if she even wanted to talk.

Bonnie : I was surprised I could talk.

Daisy : All she said was, 'I think I need a hug.'

Bonnie : Daisy wrapped her arms around me, but all I could think about was how Warren's arms were warmer and had a stronger grip. I thought about how he'd place one arm around my back and the other around my neck, with a hand running through my hair.

Daisy : Bonnie started apologising through her sobs, saying she fucked everything up. I didn't know if she meant with me or with something else entirely, but I looked her in the eye when I said that everything would be okay and that if she really fucked up that badly, none of us would be here.

Bonnie : For once I actually believed it, even if it was just a little bit.

Daisy : We talked through everything that had happened earlier in the week to take her mind off things. We cleared the air and apologised.

Bonnie : Of course I still thought That Fucker was a con artist, I just wasn't going to say it out loud anymore.

Daisy : After that, Bonnie told me she broke up with Warren the night before.

Bonnie : When Daisy asked why, I told her he wouldn't have left otherwise.

Daisy : I will never understand it.

Bonnie : I wasn't going to let this ruin the band like it had ruined me. Billy was capable of playing my parts, but Warren was irreplaceable. The band was bigger than me, than us.

Daisy : As much as I admired Bonnie for putting the band's needs before her own, I still think she was a fucking idiot. I didn't even do that, and I was the lead singer!

Bonnie : Daisy called me a 'Fucking idiot' before she left.

Daisy : I'm honest, if nothing else.

Graham : Daisy was only thirty minutes late when she decided to show up.

Karen : None of us knew where she was.

Eddie : We were behind schedule, so we left as soon as she got on the bus.

Warren : Daisy hit me on the back of the head and called me a 'Fucking idiot' as she walked by.

Daisy : Two halves of the same whole.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now