𝟑𝟕 | 𝐔𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐫

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Tour continued as planned and the band had their first interview as a group.

Graham : The timing couldn't have been worse.

Karen : With everything that had happened, the last thing we needed was a bunch of reporters shouting questions at us. Not to mention, most of us were hungover.

Warren : I'm pretty sure I slept through most of that interview.

Eddie : I don't even know why we all had to be there. The questions were always directed at Billy and Daisy.

Billy : The questions started off pretty tame. We were asked about our clothes and the meanings behind some of the songs.

Graham : Eddie, clearly frustrated, asked if they had any questions for the rest of us.

Eddie : For once, they did. Unfortunately, it was about Daisy and Bonnie's argument. I don't know how, but they heard about it.

Karen : Daisy and Bonnie fighting over Daisy's husband sounded pretty bad out of context.

Bonnie : One of them asked me if I wanted Nicky all to myself and if that's why I started the argument with Daisy. Yes, they actually asked me that to my face.

Graham : [Laughs] Bonnie was so fed up.

Jonah : To quote Bonnie from that day, 'Yes, that's exactly what happened. I started an argument with a woman I admire so much so I could steal her husband. Prince Nicky Fitzpatrick is the man of my dreams and I hope to runaway to the Emerald Isles with him. Is that what you wanna hear?'

Warren : Okay, I wasn't asleep for the entire interview and that stung a little bit.

Karen : Bonnie was obviously being sarcastic.

Daisy : I was asked how I felt about that.

Jonah : Daisy said, and I quote, 'That's fine by me, as long she's okay with the fact that I fucked Warren last night.'

Graham : Warren shot up, Bonnie shot up. Needless to say, we all tuned in after that statement.

Billy : Uproar, she just had to go and say that.

Karen : I think there was a lot going on at once and everyone briefly forgot themselves.

Bonnie : Obviously Daisy was joking, as was I, but that only raised the question of my relationship with Warren.

Graham : It all happened at once, the reporters spotted the ring, they started asking questions, all of us were arguing over each other and next thing we knew, Rod was rushing us out of there.

Rod : I had to get them out of there. It was like babysitting a group of lions.

Daisy : The reporters were fucking crazy, they followed us all the way to the bus.

Graham : There was also a large crowd of fans waiting to meet us at the bus. It got messy.

Billy : At some point, we all separated.

Daisy : I saw Karen and Graham get on the bus.

Karen : I looked out the window to see Daisy and Billy being pulled through the crowds by security.

Eddie : Bonnie was with me, but I couldn't see much beyond that.

Warren : I couldn't see anyone. The reporters had cornered me.

Rod : I managed to get Warren away from the reporters, but they moved quick.

Bonnie : We were about halfway to the bus when a bunch of reporters surrounded us.

Eddie : The questions they were asking her were ... something else.

Bonnie : I couldn't even try to be funny at that point. I felt suffocated, like I couldn't breathe. The last thing I remember was Eddie grabbing my arm.

Eddie : We were almost at the bus when Bonnie dropped.

Graham : We saw Bonnie pass out.

Karen : Graham ran out to help Eddie get Bonnie on the bus.

Rod : Warren and I were about halfway there when the first bus drove off. We had to reroute and make our way to the second one.

Daisy : I didn't know what the fuck was going on. My own bus left without me.

Billy : Security brought me and Daisy to the second bus. That's where we reunited with Warren and Rod.

Warren : You know it's bad when Billy doesn't even know what's going on.

Billy : We couldn't leave until security confirmed that we all made it out of the crowd.

Rod : We had to wait around for about an hour. No one had any information as to where the other half of the band went.

Karen : The bus brought us straight to the hospital.

Graham : We all started to panic a little bit. Bonnie still hadn't woken up.

Eddie : When we brought her in, the doctors took her for some scans and that was it. All we could do was wait.

Karen : I called everyone's hotel rooms, but none of them picked up for ages.

Billy : We didn't get back to the hotel until it was dark.

Warren : When I went to our room, Bonnie wasn't there. I thought she took Daisy's comment seriously.

Billy : I went to check on Graham, but there was no answer. I assumed he was asleep.

Warren : I went to Karen's room to see if Bonnie was there, but there was no answer.

Billy : I ran into Warren on the way back to my room and he asked me if I'd seen any of the others.

Warren : None of us had heard anything. We just knew something was wrong.

Billy : We went to Rod's room to ask if he'd heard from any of them.

Rod : I had just got off the phone with Karen.

Billy : Rod told us that Bonnie was in the hospital.

Warren : Obviously I freaked out - it's not like she went in for a late night checkup!

Rod : I called for a cab and we all went straight to the hospital.

Billy : Warren didn't say a word the whole way there.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now