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Once the Pittsburgh show was over, the band had other things to attend to.

Warren : We received an equal amount of 'What the fucks?!' and 'Congratulations!' from everyone when we got off stage.

Karen : I went to hug Bonnie and before I could congratulate her, she asked me how I was doing. I said was fine, not wanting to ruin the excitement.

Bonnie : I knew Karen was off, but there wasn't much I could do. It was a shitty situation.

Warren : Now, the person I was most afraid to confront was Camilla. I received specific instructions to inform her of any rash decisions we may or may not make and I may have failed to mention our spontaneous marriage.

Bonnie : I went to the bathroom for five minutes and I returned to Camilla yelling at Warren in Spanish.

Graham : It was terrifying.

Warren : Did I deserve it? Possibly. Did I really? No. [Shrugs and smiles] I was just a man in love.

Eddie : When Bonnie walked back in, she received her end of the lecture.

Bonnie : I got an 'A' in high school Spanish and I still didn't know what she was saying to me, I was petrified.

Graham : [Chuckles] The room went completely silent once Camilla had finished.

Karen : After exactly five seconds of silence, Bonnie smiled cheekily at Camilla, made a heart shape with her hands and said 'Te amo?'

Bonnie : [Shrugs] Make love not war.

Eddie : We all erupted into laughter. Bonnie and Warren were idiots, but they were our idiots.

Daisy : We sat in the backstage lounge for a bit to hear what happened between the welcome home party and the show.

Warren : Basically, we went to get Chuck his drink.

Bonnie : The intention was there.

Warren : When I asked Bonnie how she forgot the first time, she just shrugged.

Bonnie : Warren turned to face me, looking for more of an answer. So, I told him what was going through my head after I spoke to Karen.

Warren : Bonnie said that she was 'Just thinking about things.'

Bonnie : When Warren asked me what things I was thinking about, I just smiled. I was always thinking about him. When Karen explained her situation and how she couldn't tell Graham about her plans to get an abortion, I wondered what Warren would do in that situation. It was selfish, I know, but all I could think about was how he would hold my hand through it all and never ask me to change my mind, not once.

Warren : [Smiles] I don't know where it came from, but the most beautiful girl in the world stood before me, telling me how much she loved and appreciated me. I believe some of the words she used to describe me were 'selfless,' 'kind' and 'incredibly sexy.' How could I have not wanted to marry her on the spot?

Bonnie : [Smiles] Warren just smiled and said 'I could marry you right this second, Bonnie Timberland.'

Warren : That wasn't exactly possible, so I suggested we take a walk down town.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now