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After settling in to their new home, the band was ready to start practising with their new bandmates.

Billy : We still hadn't heard Bonnie play at this point.

Eddie : We didn't know what to expect.

Bonnie : Billy asked, no, he told me I would being playing rhythm guitar.

Billy : Obviously it wasn't going to be that easy, so we gave her a trial run first.

Graham : I tried showing Bonnie the chords to Flip The Switch, but she wasn't really paying attention.

Bonnie : I'm more of an auditory learner. I picked up on it pretty quickly.

Warren : BonBon killed it.

Graham : I didn't even have to tell her the chords to the next song, we just kept moving through the set.

Eddie : BonBon blew us away that first set, but that wasn't enough for Billy.

Billy : I put her on back-up vocals for round two, as well as rhythm guitar. I wanted to challenge her, see where her limits lied.

Karen : Billy could not find a single fault in her, no matter what he got her to do. Was I surprised? Of course not. I already knew how talented Bonnie was. If anything I was glad she showed those boys how it was done.

Billy : [Smiles] We had found ourselves a sixth member.

Camilla : I took the first ever picture of the six members, it came out pretty well if you ask me.

Graham : There was a brief moment of celebration, but, ah, [smirks] we weren't done yet.

Warren : [Chuckles] Bonnie was a very talented woman, and still is of course, but she hadn't practiced with The Dunne Brothers yet.

Bonnie : My audition turned into a band practice session, which turned into a celebration, which then turned into a never-ending hell. No wonder there were drugs lying around everywhere.

Karen : Bonnie had never been part of a band before. Anytime she practised an instrument was by herself on her own terms. The Dunne Brothers changed that, for better or for worse, you decide. If it was for worse, it never showed on her face.

Eddie : I almost felt bad, we practised for longer than usual that day.

Bonnie : We were there for hours playing the same songs over and over and over again. I wouldn't have minded, but I hadn't picked up a guitar in months and my fingers were fucked. I still have the scars from that day.

Billy : I will admit, I put Bonnie through it that day.

Eddie : I mean, she seemed completely fine to me. Didn't mess up once, never complained. I was happy to have her in the band.

Graham : There was blood on that guitar by the time we were finished, but Bonnie didn't even make a face. A true team player.

Billy : It was dark by the time we finished up and everyone was pretty tired, so we all went to bed after that.

Warren : Bonnie ran inside ahead of us.

Graham : Billy went off with Camilla and me, Eddie, Karen and Warren chatted in the living room for a while before we went our separate ways.

Warren : When the others left, I noticed Bonnie had been gone a while.

Bonnie : There was a knock on the bathroom door.

Warren : I asked if everything was alright and there was no answer, so I opened the door. Bonnie was just standing there, with her hand under the tap, blood all over the sink.

Bonnie : It was pretty bad.

Warren : I felt so bad, she just started crying and kept saying it hurt so bad.

Bonnie : Warren went to get some ice, so I dried my hands as best as I could.

Camilla : All over our good towels.

Warren : I brought Bonnie into the living room and she just dunked her hand into the bowl of ice.

Bonnie : We sat there in silence for a bit.

Warren : Bonnie was still sniffling, so I put my arm around her.

Bonnie : I eventually took my hand out of the ice and wrapped a towel around it.

Camilla : A brand new towel.

Warren : To take her mind off it, I suggested we come up with a plan to get Eddie and Graham back for the other night.

Bonnie : I asked if there were any laxatives lying around.

Warren : Weirdly enough, we found some in the bathroom cabinet.

Bonnie : Why wait to get revenge?

Warren : We made hot chocolates for everyone before they went to sleep. Well, I say we, Bonnie had one functioning hand.

Bonnie : I put the sprinkles on top. I helped.

Warren : The best part is, Eddie and Graham didn't even question it.

Graham : Why would we have questioned it? Bonnie and Warren had hot chocolates too!

Eddie : I was suspicious, but they put sprinkles on top so I wasn't going to complain.

Bonnie : Once the bombs were planted, we went back downstairs.

Warren : BonBon seemed alright again after we had drank our hot chocolates.

Bonnie : Warren makes the best hot chocolate.

Warren : Then we fell asleep. On the same couch.

Bonnie : [Shrugs] Warren didn't move, so I didn't either.

Warren : [Chuckles] Why would I have moved? BonBon looked so comfortable.

Bonnie : Warren was pretty comfortable ...

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now