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Tensions were running high all throughout the tour. From drugs and alcohol, to relationship struggles, the band had been through it all and in such a short period of time.

Me : So, what exactly do you remember from the tour?

Graham : [Purses lips]

Eddie : [Sighs]

Warren : [Makes a face]

Karen : [Shrugs]

Bonnie : [Scratches ear]

Billy : [Shrugs] It was a long time ago...

Camilla : I remember everything.

Graham : Billy's lifestyle had really started to become a problem.

Karen : Billy was a mess, slurring his words on stage and tripping over air.

Eddie : Then there were the girls. Every night there were different girls coming and going out of Billy's room. [Shakes head] Some people just don't know how lucky they are.

Camilla : At first, everything seemed okay, Billy called me the first few nights, then I had to start calling him and, well, eventually he just stopped picking up.

Karen : I picked up the phone when Camilla called once and, well, I didn't have the heart to tell her.

Bonnie : I knew Billy Dunne was the biggest asshole I had ever met when I knocked on his room door to ask him about the new amps we had ordered. When the door opened, there were two girls on his bed and Billy, well, he probably couldn't even tell it was me at the door he was so fucked up.

Billy : Come to think of it, I do remember waking up with a black eye one morning and having no idea where it came from.

Bonnie : I gave Billy a reality check. I told him that he was lucky to have Camilla and he would be even luckier to still have her by the time the tour was over. I mean, this was the man that was going to be the father of her child in just a few months time, you know? I can't believe I was the only person who did something about his behaviour.

Warren : I just remember hearing all this yelling coming from outside.

Eddie : [Laughs] Bonnie absolutely annihilated Billy that day.

Graham : What? No. Bonnie didn't give Billy a black eye. Warren did.

Eddie : Billy had a lot going through his system and Bonnie, well, she hit him with the truth. Billy couldn't even handle the truth sober, so as you can imagine, he did not take it well in that state.

Bonnie : Yeah, I may have riled him up a bit and that may have led to a bit of pushing and shoving.

Warren : I couldn't let him get away with it, man. Bonnie didn't deserve that.

Eddie : [Laughs] Warren was just such a laid-back guy, you wouldn't have expected it from him. Then again, I guess Bonnie was involved this time.

Karen : Billy was being a complete and utter arse, anyways. Someone had to put him in his place.

Bonnie : [Sighs] Then, of course, Billy just wouldn't let it go. You know, he started calling me names and saying I was only in the band because I was sleeping with Warren.

Graham : Come to think of it, the black eye was more of a team effort.

Eddie : Yeah, we had to pull Bonnie off of Billy once she started roughing him up.

Warren : I wish we hadn't, it was kinda hot.

Karen : I may have spit at him after that comment. I didn't want to get involved, but you just can't belittle a woman's talent like that. Especially a talent as great as Bonnie's.

Warren : I remember, I followed Bonnie back to her room after that to see if she was alright, but when someone says something like that, it can really mess with your head.

Bonnie : I just told him to leave.

Warren : Bonnie actually yelled at me to leave, so I left. I didn't want to, but I did.

Bonnie : Part of me didn't want Warren to leave, but even more of me just wanted to be alone. After what Billy said, I just, I don't know. I did start to doubt myself a little bit. I started to wonder if I really deserved any of it.

Warren : It's unfortunate because I'm pretty sure Bonnie had never actually listened to a single word Billy said until that moment, of all moments.

Bonnie : I mean, I had kissed Warren on that first day and they all witnessed the aftermath of the wedding. Not that any of that matters but, I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight.

Camilla : There was no answer from Billy's room when I called one day, so I called Bonnie instead.

Bonnie : I didn't even want to answer the phone at first, but I'm glad I did.

Camilla : Bonnie just started crying when I asked her if she was okay. From what I gathered, she had gotten into an argument with Billy over amps and that led to him saying she was only in the band because of her relationship with Warren.

Bonnie : Even I didn't have the heart to tell Camilla the full truth, even after everything that had happened.

Camilla : I reminded Bonnie that she was one of the most talented people I knew and that she belonged in the band just as much as the rest of them. I told her the truth.

Bonnie : Camilla was just the best person I could have had at that moment. [Chuckles] Even she admitted that Billy could be an asshole at times.

Camilla : I told her to talk to Warren. At the end of the day, I wasn't there to give her the hug she needed.

Bonnie : Before we said goodbye, I reminded Camilla that wasn't the first time she told me to go talk Warren.

Camilla : [Laughs] I told her it wouldn't be the last time, either.

Karen : When I went to go check up on Bonnie, she wasn't in her room.

Warren : Bonnie showed up at my door that night and I was so glad she did. I felt bad about what Billy had said to her and I felt even worse that I left her alone after it.

Bonnie : We hugged it out and apologised. [Chuckles] I told Warren there wasn't anyone I'd rather have banged my way into the band with.

Warren : I told Bonnie I wouldn't leave her side like that again. Then she mentioned how hot I was when I was mad. [Chuckles] We didn't really say much after that, if you catch my drift.

Bonnie : I'm pretty sure we hadn't even talked about what we were at that point.

Warren : Yeah, they were weird times, man. After we remembered the night of the wedding we kinda just left it at that. [Chuckles] Clearly, that didn't last very long.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now