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The band played three shows without Bonnie, and her absence did not go unnoticed.

Graham : It just wasn't the same without Bonnie. We all felt it.

Billy : Every single fan we met, every single reporter we spoke to, they all wanted to know where Bonnie was and if she had left the band.

Karen : Of course Bonnie hadn't left the band, but it also wasn't our place to explain her absence. So, rumours spread and some were worse than others.

Bonnie : The nurse brought me magazines and newspapers everyday. It was a kind gesture, but considering what was in all of them, it only made me feel worse.

Warren : I just wanted to see her, man. I regretted leaving as soon as I did. I wanted to give her the space she needed, but I shouldn't have left.

Bonnie : I was in the hospital for about a week. Not a day went by that I didn't think about Warren. By day, I was cursing him for leaving. By night, I was longing for his voice.

Eddie : None of us should've left. I can't begin to imagine what she was going through, but she shouldn't have gone through it on her own.

Camilla : I called Billy as soon as I saw the headlines. Apparently Bonnie was missing for one of the shows. I knew she wouldn't leave the band or whatever else the papers were saying, so I knew something was wrong.

Billy : I called Camilla every night of that tour, but I avoided telling her about Bonnie and Warren's situation because I didn't think it was my place.

Camilla : I was heartbroken for them, but I was more appalled by everyone else.

Billy : I'd never heard Camilla get more mad than I did on that phone call, and I've done a lot of stupid things in my time.

Camilla : Not only did Bonnie have a miscarriage, but they left her in a city she didn't know with a bunch of strangers. I couldn't believe my ears when Billy told me.

Billy : Camilla made it clear that we were in the wrong, and she intended on making it right.

Camilla : I packed my bags and got on the next flight. Well ... after I had a word with Warren.

Warren : Billy came to my room one night and told me Camilla was on the phone. I knew I was in for it. I learned my lesson long before I spoke to Camilla, but it still wasn't a pleasant experience.

Bonnie : I was making paper boats out of magazine pages when Camilla appeared. I had never been more happy to see a human being in my life.

Camilla : Nothing could make up for the five or so days she spent alone there, but I hoped a selection of ice cream and gummy bears would ease the pain a little bit.

Bonnie : Camilla Dunne was an angel sent from heaven. If I could've cloned her just so she could experience having someone like her in her life, I would've.

Camilla : Bonnie seemed great when I first saw her, but the more we talked, the more I started to notice the bags under her eyes and the way her voice faltered when she spoke of Warren.

Bonnie : I tried to catch her up on everything that had happened on tour so far, but the more recent it got, the harder it was.

Camilla : Bonnie had a lot going on, obviously, but when she explained why she told Warren to leave, I really felt for her. I know what it's like to put others' happiness before your own, even if it kills you.

Bonnie : Camilla told me she spoke to Warren over the phone.

Camilla : I told her what I told Warren, that he shouldn't have left. I also didn't stray away from the fact that he started crying when I mentioned her name and how much he regretted leaving her.

Bonnie : That's when I started crying. I hated the thought of Warren being so upset, but I still hated him for leaving me when he knew he shouldn't have. I imagined what would've happened if, instead of losing the baby, we found out I was pregnant and we got married and we would've been so happy. Then I thought about how unhappy we both were. I also ran out of chocolate ice cream. There was a lot going on at once.

Camilla : I could never understand how hard that must've been for Bonnie, but I stayed and I did my best to be there for her. I listened, I held her hand, I talked to her, I got her more ice cream and I gave her a hug when she needed one.

Bonnie : There truly was no one better than Camilla Dunne, she stayed with me until I was discharged.

Camilla : When we walked out of the hospital, I asked Bonnie what she wanted to do next.

Bonnie : There was only one thing to do.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now