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The time had come for The Six to record and release their first studio album.

Billy : I mean, the songs were already there. All we had to do was perfect and record them.

Graham : We had never been in a studio before. The whole process was so surreal.

Eddie : It was crazy, man. We had the album recorded in six days.

Camilla : I was there everyday in the studio, documenting the process. I have so many pictures from those sessions. Everyone was just so excited. One thing I noticed when I looked back through those photos was that for every day that went by, Bonnie inched that little bit closer to Warren. Not by much, [smiles] but just enough to notice.

Bonnie : Aside from that one peck I gave Warren on the day we found out we were making an album, nothing else had happened between us.

Warren : Much to my dismay, nothing had happened between us. But on the bright side, I had a great view from the back.

Billy : After laying down the album, we had a two week break.

Eddie : Finally some well-earned rest... or so I thought.

Graham : Yeah, Billy had us rehearsing pretty much everyday.

Bonnie : It wasn't nearly as bad as it usually was. At least Billy let us go on bathroom breaks for once.

Billy : Practice makes perfect, right?

Karen : We did have more time to ourselves during that two week period. I mean, we had all quit our day jobs and Billy went easier on us with rehearsals. I remember checking out the local record stores down by the coast.

Eddie : Myself and Graham had found this great dive bar down the street. That's where we spent most of our time.

Camilla : Billy and I wanted to make the most of the time we had left before tour began.

Warren : BonBon really wanted to check out Santa Monica Pier, so we went there one of the days.

Bonnie : I had never actually been to Santa Monica Pier, despite living so close to it. I wanted to see what all the talk was about.

Warren : There was so much traffic that day [laughs] and Bonnie didn't catch me as the type of person to have so much road rage.

Bonnie : There were a lot of idiots on the street that day. Even more than usual. That's when I knew Warren wasn't going anywhere, if he could still crack a smile after witnessing me in that state, then I knew we were good for life.

Warren : To be honest, it was kind of a turn-on.

Bonnie : After we had finally secured a parking spot, we headed straight for the ferris wheel.

Warren : We went on the ferris wheel, got some food and walked around for a bit. It was a great day out, if I do say so myself.

Bonnie : It was when we got back that something happened. Sort of.

Warren : We had this great day together and we were both on such a high that I thought, hey, maybe this is the time. Maybe I should just say something. It was obvious, but we just never spoke about it.

Bonnie : We sat in the car for a few minutes, listening to whatever song was on the radio, when Warren turned to me and said he liked spending time with me.

Warren : Before she could even respond, Billy burst through the front door looking for her.

Bonnie : I don't even remember what he wanted me for. Something about an idea he had for some part of a song for the tour? It could've waited, whatever it was.

Warren : I'm not an angry guy, but that made me so mad.

Bonnie : Who knows what would've happened if Billy hadn't interrupted that moment ...

Warren : [Chuckles] I may have played a few different scenarios out in my head that night ...

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now