𝟏𝟐 | 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Before tour commenced, there was an unexpected celebration.

Warren : [Chuckles] Ah, yes.

Bonnie : [Smirks] Now that was a night to remember.

Camilla : Billy and I got married!

Warren : I still remember the looks on Billy and Camilla's faces when they ruined my life with their news.

Bonnie : A few days had passed since Warren and I came back from Santa Monica, and we still hadn't spoken about what happened, or what almost happened, between us.

Warren : Yeah, remember when Billy interrupted us?

Bonnie : Everyone else was packing for tour, so Warren and I had some time to ourselves.

Warren : For once, the house was completely silent and there was no possible way someone could've interrupted us.

Bonnie : Warren leaned on the couch and turned to face me. I knew what was coming.

Warren : I said, and I quote, 'Hey, so about the other day ...'

Bonnie : Billy walked in before Warren could finish his sentence.

Warren : Billy fucking Dunne, man.

Bonnie : Billy and Camilla looked so happy when they told us they were getting married that night.

Warren : [Laughs] I wish I could've been happier for them when they told us, man, I really do.

Camilla : I felt so bad, something definitely happened before we walked in. Bonnie's cheeks were so red.

Warren : Even after Billy and Camilla left, I just couldn't do it, man. I couldn't bring it up again. Whatever ghost haunted Karen's room had cursed us.

Bonnie : Luckily, we hadn't packed our supply yet.

Warren : [Chuckles] We got so high that day and that was before the wedding had even started.

Karen : I was shocked, but not surprised, when Billy and Camilla told us they were getting married that night.

Eddie : [Shrugs] I mean, it is what it is, right?

Graham : It was only a matter of time before they got married, if you ask me.

Camilla : Billy and I were so busy making calls that day, [laughs] we actually forgot about the decorations.

Karen : Team Konnie to the rescue.

Camilla : When I realised, I rushed downstairs to find Karen and Bonnie sitting on the couch, cool as cucumbers.

Karen : Camilla told us that she had forgotten about the decorations.

Bonnie : [Smiles] We told Camilla to take a look outside.

Camilla : [Tears up] It was perfect.

Karen : We knew Billy and Camilla would be busy all day, so we decided to take decorating into our own hands.

Bonnie : Fairy lights and flowers go a long way.

Karen : Christ, those fairy lights were so tangled up when we took them out of the box.

Bonnie : Of course, we can't take all the credit. The taller ones helped too.

Warren : BonBon couldn't reach for shit.

Bonnie : Neither could Warren, Eddie did most of the long-legged work.

Warren : That's not what Bonnie said when I came up behind her and reached for the sellotape on the top shelf in the kitchen. In fact, I think she was speechless.

Bonnie : [Rolls eyes] Whatever.

Karen : There was a lot of tension between Bonnie and Warren all day.

Graham : Now that I think about it, Bonnie and Warren didn't even sit beside each other during the ceremony.

Bonnie : To be fair, I probably thought Warren was sitting beside me. I was so fucked up by that point.

Warren : I couldn't even tell you what happened during that ceremony.

Camilla : The ceremony was beautiful, but the reception was even better.

Billy : I had to call my mom and tell her Camilla and I had gotten married. It was so short notice my own mother couldn't even make it to the wedding.

Camilla : We didn't even have a proper photo to show our parents.

Bonnie : Warren had one job.

Warren : I wasn't going to let Bonnie take the photo, she was as high as a kite.

Camilla : [Holds up a photograph] Our heads are cut-off and this is the only picture I have of that day.

Warren : Mescaline is a very powerful drug ... [chuckles].

Bonnie : After, I don't know, maybe my fifth shot, I noticed Camilla wasn't drinking.

Camilla : Bonnie approached me, hugged me and whispered 'Congratulations' into my ear. I knew she wasn't talking about the wedding.

Bonnie : I'm a very observant person when I have a few shots and god knows what else in my system.

Camilla : I hugged her back and thanked her. There was no point lying to Bonnie, she could see right through me. But she wasn't the only person to notice things that day.

Bonnie : Camilla told me to go and talk to Warren.

Camilla : [Laughs] Bonnie was so drunk, she just kind of shrugged and said 'Okay' without any questions.

Bonnie : I saw Warren head inside, so that's where I went.

Warren : I went inside to find a lighter, I had lost mine at some point throughout the evening.

Bonnie : No one else was in the house and all the lights were off. I couldn't see shit, but then I heard Warren cursing.

Warren : I may have stubbed my toe on the side of the couch.

Bonnie : I took Warren's lighter out of my pocket it and lit it.

Warren : [Smiles] My light in shining armour.

Graham : Once everyone else had left, it was just me, Karen, Billy, Eddie and Camilla in the garden.

Billy : It was late and we all wanted a cup of Warren's hot chocolate to end the night.

Karen : I had noticed earlier on in the night that Warren and Bonnie had gone missing.

Camilla : I suggested we wait outside for a bit, but Billy insisted on going inside.

Graham : We really wanted that hot chocolate, man. No one made it like Warren could.

Billy : [Laughs] I thought Warren and Bonnie had called it an early night, that we could just walk in there and wake their asses up.

Camilla : I tried to stop them.

Eddie : We walked in to the living room to see Bonnie and Warren tangled up on the couch.

Karen : There were clothes everywhere.

Camilla : [Laughs] I mean, it was about damn time.

Graham : [Chuckles] The two of them had just passed out.

Bonnie : Mescaline is a very powerful drug ...

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now