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"I'M FUCKING SORRY, YUKI!!" Asako's screams ran wild into the dark woods. Keiko stared at the scene in agony and helplessness with her hand on her bleeding forehead.

Yuki dementedly ran towards her 'perpetrator', screaming for vengeance--she believed Asako was responsible for her disfigurement. But before her hands could grab her soft neck and crush it, Yuki collapsed then and there in the woods--completely unresponsive.

Asako squealed in horror. Her heart had never beat faster. She rushed towards Yuki and knelt down.

Keiko managed to get up simultaneously and rushed forward towards the very assailant who had ironically turned the victim.

"Yuki, are you okay?!" Asako screeched. Have I-? Have I done something to her-?

Keiko gasped and grunted, staring at Yuki's brutalised face. The face had been burnt so badly that basic features were hard to make out--especially the nose--which had been completely liquified, leaving some grotesque bones behind. She held back the urge to throw up.

Asako whimpered loudly, wiping tears away. "We have to save her, Keiko. We can't let her die."

Keiko stared at her, helpless and hopeless. "Acid is fatal, Asako,"

"No, that's not-" Asako screeched. "SHE HAS TO BE ALIVE! I HAVEN'T FUCKING KILLED ANYBODY,"

Keiko patted Asako, now crying herself. "It wasn't your fault. It was just an accident, Asako! She's gone now,"

Still weeping, Asako grabbed Yuki's hand to check for pulse. "Trust me, Kei, she is alive. She just can't die,"

Keiko patted her friend further--too frustrated to speak at this point.

A shrill of anxiety discharged inside Asako when she realised that there was not a single vibration in Yuki's body. "This isn't happening,"

She screamed louder than ever.

Yuki just lay there on the ground, unresponsive and deceased.

Dead or alive, I've made your lives miserable, you worthless whores.


"Uh, um, no thanks," Akane flashed a feeble smile. "You have quite a humour in you,"

I sure do. The dysfunction nodded with a weird grin, tearing a chunk of flesh out of the piece of apple that she just chopped.

"Yeah, well," Akane shut her notepad with a calm smile. "You gave me some 'earth-shattering' info, Sakura. So I think we're over with this interview."

Sakura's grin intensified. "It was a pleasure, Akane,"

The smile on Akane's face was an uncanny yet alluring one. "I'll get going now,"

"Ah, sure," Sakura got up, still having the grin. Slay, girl.

Akane pushed her wheelchair out of the drawing room and strolled back towards the entrance.

The dysfunction slowly walked behind her--and just as the young woman before her was about to leave--a thought struck her. Oh, fuck.

"Hey, uh, Akane," the dysfunction murmured quite arbitrarily.

"Yeah?" Akane stopped.

She slowly turned back towards Sakura. "You got something to say?"

A conducive smile made its way on the dysfunction's face. "Yep. Well, aren't you, like, suspended or something? I heard from the T.V. so,"

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