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Amidst the intense rain, her steps were all tedious and loud.

The cab driver stared at her with an empty look, waiting for her to give his fair.

Sakura pulled out some yen from her pocket. "Here."

The dysfunction then rushed towards the building in front of her as the cab speeded out of the scene.

She climbed a staircase, hurrying in her steps. Her clothes were brutally drenched in water. Her feet left a wet, soaking imprint on each stair.

Peeking out of a small window on her way, she could clearly see it raining cats and dogs. There's no fucking way we'll be able to talk to a soul today.

Sakura pressed the doorbell of the apartment on the third floor.

When tens of seconds passed and there was no sweet voice that murmured 'a minute, Sakura...', the dysfunction pressed the bell again.

But, well, again, Akane didn't show the slightest of a response.

Sakura raised eyebrows. What is wrong with her?

And sensing a strange disturbance behind the door, her suspicions strengthened further--and so, she leaned her ear against the door.

A strange noise was what she heard. And it sounded gloomy and miserable. But as she leaned more closer, it was clear to make out that the noises were not exactly noises—they were hideous whimpers.

An alarmed Sakura proceeded to knock tumultuously on the door. "Akane, are you okay?"

She knew that something was really off with this girl. She knocked even harshly. And to her shock, the door actually pushed back—the door was never locked. Fuck.

Sakura hurried into the apartment. Her steps were conflictingly hasty. And there was a fright inside her--a sense of worry that actually pondered what could have happened to Akane.

"Akane?!" Sakura couldn't believe what she was looking at.

She had never seen Akane so helpless and vulnerable ever before. She had never seen rivers of tears roll down her cheeks as she lay collapsed and wailing on the floor of the drawing room.

"What happened?" tense lines formed on the dysfunction's forehead.

She rushed towards Akane and knelt before her, trying to get her on her feet. "Akane?"

"I-I just-" Akane did try to compose her tone--but tears just wouldn't stop gushing out of her eyes. "Just leave me alone, Sakura."

"No, Akane," the dysfunction was genuinely worried. "Tell me what the problem is--and maybe we can work it out together, hm?"

"No, it's just-" Akane shrugged, still collapsed on the ground. Stout drops of tears trickled down her eyes. "I always let people down, Sakura. All the fucking time."

Her those drops of tears poised into rivers, and those rivers drained past her cheeks. They then flowed down towards her neck--until they finally rippled onto the floor.

"No, you don't, Akane." Sakura got a subdued Akane to sit, though still on the floor.

"No, I-I just-" Akane sobbed even intensely. "I get these breakdowns almost every day at this point. I just cannot get hold of myself."

The dysfunction shrugged, too frustrated to speak. She just couldn't bear to see Akane crying and whimpering like that. She felt so helpless.

"I have been like this right from my childhood, Sakura." Akane cried further. She leaned against Sakura's shoulder. "I was a stupid outcast even then. I just keep letting people down. I-I just don't know what the fuck is wrong with me."

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