Really Dustin!?

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Authors note; So in the beginning I told you guys I would show you guys a picture of sky my boyfriends pit bull. She cute then again vicious.


Dustin's POV
So I went to go see Emily's friends. I met them at a pizzeria. I bought them both pizza and a drink.
"So what's this about,"Alexis asked.
"Well,um...I was planning to ask Emily out on Valentines day,"I said as I scratched the back of my head.
"Finally,Emily needs a real man.someone who cares about her,"Alexis took a sip of her soda.
"So what's the plan,"Matthew asked.
"Tonight I might take Emily to the park,tomorrow I might take her shopping,then get her a few girft and I'll ask her sooner or later that day," I said. Im so excited to ask her. We talked about for another 15 minutes. I tipped the waitress and left. I plugged my phone into my car. I put my songs on shuffle . phone numbers by Wiz khalifa ft. Big sean came on. I pealed out. I stopped on a red light . my phone started to ring,it was Emily.

Phone convo:

Me: hello,love
Emily: thanks for breakfast!
Me: no problem. How's it going?
Emily: good,sky and Luke are waiting for you.
Me: around the corner
Emily: okay bye
Me: aight bye

I hung up and pulled into Mc Donalds.
"Can I get 2 cheese burgers and 2 Carmel frappés,"
"Yes,that will be $6.59" I got my stuff and drove to the house. I open the door to see Emily,sky,and Luke all cuddled up on the couch. Emily got up and hugged me.
"You got food for me,"she said.
"No I got food for the gang and frappés for us," I handed it to her. She kissed my cheek. I unwrapped the burgers and called the gang. They both came sliding and running down the hall. They sat down in front of me.
"Sky,lay down," she did as told. I tossed her hers.
"Luke,speak,"he barked. I gave it to him. They enjoyed it I could tell. I sat by Emily on the couch. I put my arm around her.
"Do you want to go to the park?"
"I'm going to take a shower then we will leave," I walked up stairs.

At park Emily's POV

So Dustin took a shower and all. We were at the park. I ran straight to the swings. Dustin started to push me. He's so sweet.
"Higher," he asked.
"Yea,"I said. He gave me a huge push. He ran around me and jumped on the swing next to me.
"Dustin.your the best,"I said.
"I know,"he laughed.
"So has your parents called?"
"No,"I said.
"Oh,sorry,"he said.
"It fine. Its quiet without them." I jumped off the swing.
"I feel you,my mom has been gone for about a month," he said jumping off as well. We walked to a bench and sat.
"So....what do you want to do ,"I asked.
"Let's play a game or sum,"he looked around. A corn man walked toward us.
"Hey," Dustin jumped up." Can I get takís,corn in a cup,and a snow cone," he took out some money. The man started making the corn in a cup.
"Powdered or liquid chíle?"he asked Dustin.
"Liquid please," the man also handed Dustin the cup and takes.
"Do you want strawberry,cherry,lemon,blue berry,or grape?" Dustin turned to me.
"Grape please sir," I mouthed 'thank you' to Dustin. He nodded. He handed me the cup.
"That's $3.50," Dustin handed him the money.
"That k you Dustin," I took a bitw of my snow cone.
"So what do you want to be when you grow up?" He asked.
"I want to be a nurse because my grandmother would take me to help her when I was little,"I said. "You?"
"I want to be in a band or go solo,"he said.
"You ready," he got up.
"Yea," i looked back to see him gone. I turned around and saw my snow cone had been biten.
"Dustin," I ran after him. He locked himself in the car.
"Really," he rolled the window down a little.
"Yea," he rolled it back up. He would unlock the door then lock it as soon as I got near. Dustin turned on the car and the music blasted. I hid in the back of the car. My phone started to ring,it was Dustin.

Phone convo:

Dustin:  find your way in
Me: I will

I hung up. I peeked out the side. Dustin saw me in the side mirrors. I looked around. There was a girl jogging in sweat and a pink T-shirt like me. 1234........

Dustin's POV

Yes I locked Emily out,but shes a smart and clever girl. Right now she's hiding in the back of the car. I looked in the side mirrors. Emily got up and jogged away. I unlocked the doors when my phone started ringing. It was Emily.

Phone convo:
Me:  where you going?
Emily:  home
Me:  no your not I'm going to pick you up.

I started the car and pulled up next to Emily. I honked the horn. She turned around,it wasn't Emily.
"Ewww get away you creep,"she continued to jog away.
"Sorry,thought you were someone else,"I laughed to my self. I got another call.

Phone convo:

Me:  where you at?

She hung up.
"Right here,"shebsat up from the back of the car.
"How did you?" I was shocked. "Oh,whatever,"I huffed. 20minutes later. Me and Emily talked about old memories. We laughed and all that good stuff. she got out and blew me a kiss.
"Thanks I had fun,"she unlocked the door and got out. I zoned out for a second.
"Bye see you later,"I pulled away after making sure she was safely in her house.

So guys wat do you think about all this?what do you think of Dustin asking Emily out? Do you ship them? Plz plz plz go and read my other books there's

*tough love
*my bio
*celebrity images

Plz go check them out it will mean the to me. Thanks y'all. And yea I finally put a picture of sky after centuries lol. If you guys want a image with any,I said any celebrity just pm me and tell me you name you personality and with who?! But I'll start working on that. Thanks so much guys it means alot !!!!! Peace peeps✊✌

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