Chapter 4: Meeting Captain Hale, and Terry.

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It is now morning time. And the heroes continue walking to where the parachute came down. They're all a little tired, but keep going. Sora rubs his eyes, and looks forward. The sun is coming up, and they all shield their eyes from the light. As they walk, they hear something ahead. They all look, and see two people rolling down a rocky hill, after something. They're about a mile from them, so they had to run to them to see what is going on. They begin to walk slowly as the dirt and sand is making it a little hard for them to run. As they're trying to get closer, they suddenly hear a gunshot. They all drop down on the ground, laying on their chests. They all look around, but don't see anything or anyone with a gun. They figure that it must of came from one of the people ahead. They get back up, and continue walking to them. Just then, they see them. It's a man and woman. The man is wearing a pilot uniform, and the woman is wearing a Park Ranger uniform. The man has a gun pointed to the woman's head.

Man: Alright? I have already had a heck of a morning, lady. I'm not allowed to tell you what's going on, but I need your help, ok? 

Woman: This is a good way to convince me. 

He lets her go, but keeps the gun on her. The heroes watch them.

Man: We both know that the gun is loaded. So if I wanted to, I could blow your head off, right? 

Woman: Yeah. 

Man: I'm not going to. 

He twists the gun to her. He offers it to her. She slowly takes it. He turns, and walks away. 

Woman: I got a radio in my truck. 

He turns to face her. She points behind her. 

Woman: It's this way. 

She walks in her direction. He follows her. The heroes watch this, and wonders if they should reveal themselves to them. In the castle, Maleficent and Invader watches this. Invader slams his fist down on the railing. 

Invader: I grow bored of this, my queen. It's time to take action.

Maleficent: You're right. Send down the Heartless!

Back in the world, Sora senses something. He looks around, and appearing out of nowhere are Soldier Heartless. They surround the man and woman. The woman gasps in shock as the man looks at them. 

Sora: Hey, Heartless!

Riku: Let's go!

The heroes all come out of hiding, and run to the man and woman. Kai and Toji punch two of them away from them. They form a circle around the man and woman. 

Donald: Circle formation!

Namine: Right!

Jaune: Protect the man and woman!

Kairi: (To man and woman) Stay inside the circle!

Sora: Let's get them, guys!

The heroes take out their weapons, and use them to block their attacks. The man and woman watch them. Kai and Momo jump, and kick two of them away. Ruby and Yang work together, and they attack the Heartless with sister power. The heroes use punches, kicks, and weapon attacks on the Heartless, and they stand no chance on the heroes from their attacks. Sora swings his Keyblade around, hitting the Heartless back. They all fall down on the ground. 

All: Hero attack!

They all use their best finishing moves on the Heartless, and they all fall down on the ground. They all watch as the Heartless disappear. They all sigh, and stand down. 

Roxas: At least we got them, guys.

Goofy: Yeah.

Nora: We surely broke their legs!

Coco: Something tells me that this fight might be a warm-up for us. Maleficent always does this. 

Velvet: Yeah. 

Kai: Guys. (Points)

They all look, and see the man and woman, who look at them. Sora stands forward.

Sora: Are you both hurt?

Man: No. We're fine. Impressive moves. 

Toji: Thank you. (Looks at his outfit) Wait. Are you a pilot?

Man: Yes. I'm Captain Hale from the United States Air Force. 

Kairi: We saw your plane last night. We're glad you're okay. 

Hale: Thanks. 

The heroes then look at the woman. She's wearing a Park Ranger uniform. They see her name tag on her jacket. "Carmichael."

Momo: Ranger Carmichael?

Carmichael: Yes. Don't worry, it's ok. 

Yang: Wait. Has these things ever showed up before? The Heartless?

Carmichael: That's what those things are called? Well, no. This is the first time I've ever saw them. 

Weiss: That's not very good information. Listen, we need to get out of here. Before more of them show up. 

They both agree, and they all walk off to go to her truck. Looks like Maleficent and her evil are now gonna enter this world. Can the heroes fight her off while finding out what is going on?

Here's the fourth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Broken Arrow. Sorry if it's short. Just running out of options. And I think I'm beginning to lose focus on my Kingdom Hearts stories. I might need help of reminding me to work on them. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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