Chapter 5: Ambush, Major Deakins

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The Search and Rescue chopper flies through the air. Chief Rhodes and his team are onboard. Rhodes is trying to track the nukes on the ground. Tony is sitting across him. 

Rhodes: Got 'em!

Tony: Where?

He nods ahead. Tony looks out, and he sees a canyon. He figures that they might be down there. They all hop out of the chopper, and rope down into the canyon. They all land down inside, and they take the ropes off. They hear the chopper landing down on the ground. Rhodes then uses a tracking device to track the nukes. He points it to the left. It starts beeping. 

Rhodes: We got one.

They all follow him as he holds out the tracker. Tony keeps his eyes open. Meanwhile, with Gilson, he's with Mr. Pritchett, Johnson, and Ranger Baker. They all drive ahead, with two of their men dealing with the chopper pilots. They killed them with a silenced sniper rifle. Gilson sighs at this. They all get out of the car, and look at the man by one of the bodies. He's eating a chocolate bar. 

Baker: Any sign of Deakins?

The man eating the bar shakes his head at that.

Pritchett: Maybe the son of a gun is dead.

Voice: What a terrible thing to say.

Everyone looks to their right, and coming over a hill is another pilot. It's Major Deakins, wearing sunglasses, and is smoking. All the men look at him. 

Deakins: (To sniper) Get 'em.

The sniper runs to deal with the team in the canyon. 

Pritchett: You assured me everything would go smoothly. 

Deakins: Everything is going smoothly, I assure you.

Pritchett: Our merchandise is not where it's supposed to be. 

Deakins: (Points at the canyon) It's right down there, Mr. Pritchett. Everything's on schedule. 

Back down in the canyon, Tony looks ahead, and he spots one of the nukes. 

Tony: There's one of them!

They all run to it, and check it. It looks intact. Rhodes checks it, and sees it's not gonna go off. He talks on the radio.

Rhodes: Sir, we got one intact. (To team) Let's go find the other one. Move! Go!

They all move out to go find the second one. Back above, Deakins go to one of the trucks. Johnson listens on his radio.

Deakins: Care for a coke or something?

Johnson: 2 gunships just left McMurren and are headed this way.

Pritchett: Oh, wonderful! 

Deakins: (Opens his coke) Don't worry about them.

Pritchett: I worry. What about the other pilot? We saw him eject. 

Deakins: Huh. (Takes off sunglasses) Captain Hale. Well, I seriously doubt that he's alive. I punched him out of the cockpit while we were scraping the valley floor. 

Johnson: There's a report that a Park Ranger called in. Said she saw a pilot come down and was gonna look for him.

Gilson: (To Baker) Anyone you know, Baker?

Baker: Yeah. Carmichael. 

Deakins: Really? (Walks over to a man) Find her. 

Back down in the canyon, the team is still looking for the second one. They walk over to where the chopper landed. Kelly sees the second nuke. 

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