IVF Pregnancy

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It's been about 3 months since Maya finally agreed on having children. They told all their friends and asked Jack to be their sperm donor.

With many failed attempts of IVF, Carina's finally started to experience some pregnancy symptoms. Carina and Maya haven't talked much since the last failed attempt. Carina's working on PRT today with Ben and Maya's doing her normal captain stuff.

Maya's kind of upset at the moment because Beckett told her she might not be captain anymore. She sighs. "I need to run"

Maya was in track. Her father made her train even when she was sick. Lane was abusive. Maya's entire childhood was involved around track, so now running is Maya's coping mechanism.

Maya makes her way to the gym and the first thing she starts with is the treadmill.

Andy sees her friend and the gym and decides to join her. She gets a glare from Maya.

"You seem lonely, cap"

"Good. I like being alone" Deadpanned Maya.

"Right.." Andy starts with the weights.

"Why are you here, Herrera?"

"I just thought I'd join you. Plus I saw you walking out of your office, you looked upset" Andy told her friend.

Maya stops the treadmill and looks down. She gets the boxing gloves.

"Wanna talk about it?" Andy asks, softly.

"No, I'm fine" Maya says, starting to punch the punching bag.

"Maya" Andy stops what she's doing and goes over to her friend. The girls make eye contact and as Maya continuously hits the bag, tears start to form in her eyes.

"Cap" Andy opens her arms and pulls her friend into an embrace. "It's okay, you can let it out"

Maya starts to relax into Andy ever so slightly. As soon as she realizes what she's doing, she tries to pull away. "I'm not gonna cry. Crying is weak and I'm not weak" She pushes her friend away and then walks out of the room and into the beanery.

Andy sighs.

"Hey cap! I made you your favorite sandwich!" Jack says.

"Stop offering me sexual favors, Gibson" Maya deadpanned again.

"I'm not"

"I'm not in the mood right now, Gibson" Maya warned Jack. She mumbles something under her breath. You can tell she's in a bad mood.

Ben walks into the room. "Hey cap! How are-"

Jack looks at Ben and shakes his head. Ben immediately gets the gist.

"I'll just come back later"

"I need to run" Maya says.

"Bishop, you just-"

"Don't stop me, Gibson" Maya warned.


"Jack, I said don't stop me!" Maya pushes past Jack. As Jack grabs Maya's arm, she punches him right in the face as the others walk in.

Jack gets knocked to floor. He holds his nose right where Maya had just punched him. "Ah! God damn it!" Blood is gushing out of his nose.

Ben and Travis get Jack up off the floor and head to the barn to clean up Jack's bloody nose.

"Maya, what were you thinking girl! You realize you possibly could've just ended your career!?" Andy shouts at her friend.

Maya nods, looking down.

Andy scoffs and goes to help the guys clean up Jack.

Maya just sighs and goes out for a run. She didn't want to punch Jack.


A few hours later, Vic walks into the kitchen and sees Carina eating some snacks.

Vic just grabs a banana and sits down at the table.

"I could be pregnant" Carina says.

Vic nearly chokes on a piece of banana she was eating. "What?"

"I can't stop eating and I'm nauseous and sometimes throwing up constantly"

"Well, have you told Maya?"

Carina shakes her head. "It could also be that time of the month, I could be just really hormonal from the hormone shots and I don't wanna get her all excited—"

"And I think I would know if I were pregnant" Carina adds.

Vic knows Carina has a point. "You should take one"

Carina looks at her a bit confused.

"A pregnancy test.  You should take one. If you think you're pregnant you should take one" Vic says.

Carina knows that Vic has a point. She wants to take it when Maya's there.


Maya had been on a run for 3 hours now. It's about 5:30pm now. She instinctively runs to the station. She sees her wife. "You're still here?"

Carina looks at her wife. "Yes, I am"

Maya walks to the front desk.

Carina sighs. "Vic told me to take a pregnancy test"

"What?" Maya says, turning around.

Carina nods. "But I didn't want to take one without you"

"Oh okay"

"So now that you're here...I wanna take one"


Carina goes into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. She then puts it face down on the counter, waiting for the results.


5 minutes go by and Carina's timer on her phone goes off.

"Baby, you okay in there?"


"Can I come in?"

Carina opens the bathroom door.

"Let's see what the results are" Maya says, putting her arms around her wife's waist.

Carina turns over the test and there's a plus sign revealing that the test is positive. Her eyes fill up with tears. "It's positive"

"We're having a baby!" Maya smiles for the first time in a while.

Carina smiles with teary eyes as she turns to Maya.

"We're having a baby"

"I'm gonna have another little you to count my blessings on" Maya says, still smiling.

They kiss and then Maya bends down face to face with Carina's stomach and kisses it.


A/N: Carina and Maya are finally having a baby!!!

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