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Maya's ring tone keeps going off.

"Ugh!" Groans a very exhausted Maya. She was up all last night with 1 year old crying Ashlyn so Carina could sleep. Maya on the other hand? Well, she didn't get much sleep.

The Captain goes to answer the phone when Carina's starts to ring.

Carina groans, picking up the phone. "Ugh, Vic, it's sooo early"

"Can I speak to Maya please?" The brunette on the other line asks.

Carina hands the phone over to Maya.

"Hello?" A very sleepy Maya answers.

"Hey cap! Apparently, there's a wildfire in Los Angeles and there's a whole bunch of fire stations going down to help them. We were one of the stations called" Vic answers.

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Okay, I'll be there in 5" Maya says, hanging up and handing the phone back to Carina, afterwards getting up and getting dressed.

"Where are you going, bella?" Carina asks.

"I have to go to the station. There's a wildfire in Los Angeles and everyone needs to be there" Maya says.

"Oh...so you won't be-"

"No, I won't be home until we at least get the fire under control" Maya says.

"Oh okay.." A sad looking Carina says.

"It's gonna be okay, babe. I'll be back. I'll always find a way back to you, Ashlyn and our new little baby" Maya says, lifting up Carina's shirt and rubbing the small baby bump.

"Okay bella, be careful" Carina says.

"I'll try" Maya answers quickly, rushing out the door of the apartment and to the station.

Maya gets to the station and meets everyone in that beanery. She hates the fact that she has to leave Carina, Ashlyn and their new baby.

"Okay 19, there has been a wildfire in Los Angeles and it's spreading quickly. We will be leaving immediately and driving a few hours to help. They need all the help they can get" The blonde Fire Chief stated.


The crew of station drive the trucks to Los Angeles to help with this fire. They start off in a neighborhood not far from the wildfire.

"Chief, the wind is starting to pick up! The fire's gonna spread faster" The blonde Captain shouts, seeing that there's some sparks starting to blow towards them.

"She's right, Chief. It's only a matter of time until this neighborhood catches fire" Sullivan says.

"Alright Bishop, Herrera, Miller and Sullivan, you guys stay together" Ripley says. "I'll take the others to a sight to help treat burn victims"

The 4 firefighters nod. As soon as they turn around, they see an older gentleman and lady gardening.

"Hey! You know there's wildfire" Andy shouts.

Maria and Terry stand up.

"Yes, but we're making the most of it" Maria says.


Several hours later, there's been several burn victims at the sight. All of the firefighters there not out fighting the fire are helping burn victims.

"Hey 19, there's sparks blowing. Be careful" Ripley walkie talkies.

"Yes, we know Chief. It's starting to get really bad out" Herrera says, followed by a static coming over the walkie talkie soon after.

"Captain, there's some houses starting to go on fire" Miller says.

"Okay people, let's starts rescuing people" Maya says.


Andy, Robert, Maya and Dean manage to get a majority of the victims rescued. Andy and Dean went with the victims.

Maya starts coughing.

"The fire is moving towards us!" Robert shouts.

Robert and Maya run into one of the houses pools to protect themselves as the remaining sparks start to fly. Then, they float back up to the surface.

"You okay?" Sullivan asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay" The blonde Captain nods. "Let's get out of here"

Robert and Maya go to where the burn victims sight is as the other firefighters from different stations put out the rest of the fire.

"Alright, great job 19! Did you great on fixing and rescuing the burn victims. It's time to head back to Seattle" The blonde Fire Chief announces and him and the team gets back into the trucks and head back to Seattle.


A/N: The idea came from Station 19's "Into The Wildfire."

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