A little comfort

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This book is for fluffy Kai centric stories but i wanted to add a little bit of angst :)

Recently Kai has been moody. Whenever he came back from work he would go directly to his room. Not talking any of the members. This obviously worried the members. They tried to talk to him but he just pushed them away. Saying he didn't want to talk. This making his hyungs frown in concern. After two months of isolation from his members Kai got the courage to open up to his hyungs. He took a deep breath and trudged to the lounge room. Seeing the four of them spread in different places. He cleared his throat, getting their attention.

"Oh Kai what do you need" Yeonjun asked. Sitting straight from the half lying position he was in.

"Umm actually...i have to tell something" Kai muttered. Playing with the hem of his shirt out of nervousness.

"Ofcourse, come here aegi" Soobin said softly. Patting next to him for Kai to sit. Kai sat down next to Soobin. Now all four paur of eyes on him. Kai stayed silent for a moment. Then took a deep breath.

"I'm insecure of my looks and can't stand looking myself" he rushed out. Eyes shut tightly. The silence stretched. Making the maknae more nervous. Then a hand was placed on his knee. He stole a glance at Soobin who looked at him with much care.

"What do you mean you can't stand looking at yourself" he asked softly.

"Just...can't stand myself anymore" Kai replied quietly. Not meeting the leaders eyes. Soobin lifted his chin to meet the maknaes eyes that looked glossy.

"Hey, it's ok" he whispered. Wiping the unshed tears. Then pulled him into a gentle hug. Stroking his hair to calm the boy.

"You are so handsome, you know. Moa go crazy over you everyday. I don't know why you're insecure but there is nothing to worry about" he said comfortingly. Holding him tighter.

"I just want to feel beautiful" Kai whispered. Tears starting to fall slowly. He buried his head to Soobins chest and let go. Let go of the hours he watched his reflection. Critising every part of his body and face.

"It will be ok. My beautiful maknae. You are perfect just like this" Yeonjun said. Joining the hug. Soon they were huddled up on the floor. Giving Kai the safety he craved.

"We will remind you how beautiful you are. Everyday, my angel" Beomgyu said softly. Patting Kais head. Who's tears were wiped aggresivly by Yeonjun.

"Hyung" he whined. Flushing red after what happened.

"Aigoo so cute" Taehyun cooed. Pinching his cheek.

"See, you're cute even without trying" Soobin chuckled. Kai rumbled something under his breath. Glaring at his hyungs then smiling at them brightly.

"Thanks" he chirped. Feeling the weight on his chest dissapear.

"Aww" they all cooed once more. From that day on, they complimented Kai everyday. Even when Kai said it was enough.

Hehe hi hi have a good day people

You are all beautiful 🐧

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