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Soobin was on a walk around the park. Observing the colorful flowers and kids playing with their parents. He stopped in his trace when a colorful object caught in his vision. He turned around and right there, a pink haired man, wearing nice clothes and a ribbon, his little braided hair, watering the flowers with the same pink water thing(forgot the name). Spobin walked over to the man who looked qs same age as him and cleared his throat, getting the others' attention.

"Oh, sorry, how can i help you?" The pink haired said. His features fox like and smile bright.

"Oh, i was walking around and saw these beautiful flowers. Is there more inside that you sell?" Soobon asked.

"Oh, of course we have. Let me show you," the other man replied. "My name is Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun," he said. Picking up a pot filled with vibrant colored flowers like the ones outside.

"Soobin, Choi Soobin. Nice to meet you," Soobin said. Taking the pit from Yeonjun and observing the different shades and colors of flowers. "How much is this," he asked. Hand going to take his wallet.

"İt's 8€," Yeonjun replied. Taking the money from Soobin and put it on the cash machine.

"Again, it was nice to meet you and maybe let's meet someday?" Soobin tilted his head to the side. Grinning back when Yeonjun give him a lopsided smile.

"That would be nice, here's my number," the older said. Giving a paper to Soobin. The taller nodded as affirmation.

"See ya," he waved as he walked don't the flower shop. Smelling the pretty flowers. "Definitely see you," Soobin whispered.


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