Maknaes on top

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Kai decided to hang ourlt with his friends. He called Jongho, Eunchae, Jeongin, Yuna, Niki and Shuhua. They had known eachother for a time and had a good friendship. They all agreed to meet at a nearby Cafe. Kai sent the address and got ready. He wore a black shirt and jeans. As he opened the door Soobin came in the frame.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Gonna meet with my friends" Kai said.

"Have a good time" Soobin said sweetly.

"Bye" Kai said and started to walk to the cafe. He reached there first as there wasn't anyone waiting. After a few minutes they all came and greeted eachother.

"Hello Hyung" said Niki. They hugged.

"Hey" Shuhua said. Waving to them.

"Hey how are you?" Kai asked.

"Good. Lot of work as usual" she said witha sigh. Kai laughed at his dramatic behaviour and they all got in the Cafe. They sat at a booth in the back.

"What do you want?" Kai asked.

"I'll take Cheesecake and Coffee" Jongho said. They all ordered.

"What have you all been up to?" Eunchae asked.

"Nothing much really. Getting ready for comeback:" Jeongin shrugged.

"Ohh, nice. I've been practisinga new dance these days" Niki said. Laughing a little.

"I'm curious now. Do you have a video?" Yuna asked curiously.

"Yeah. I took it yesterday" Niki said as he got his phone out. He opened the video and put it to stand.

"Wow, you're amazing" Jongho said.

"Thanks" Niki said shyly. Soon the food came and they chatted while eating the desserts.

"Wanna go to the beach?" Kai suggested to the table.

"Sure" Jeongin and Jongho said. Others saying the same. After paying they exited the Cafe and walked to the beach.

"Yuna, can you take my pictures in the sunset" Eunchae asked excitedly.

"Sure" Yuna said witha smile. Eunchae posed as Yuna took pictures of her. She looked at the pictures.

"Thank you" Eunchae beamed. Yuna smiled and nodded. As they walked in silence, talking sometimes.

"Let's take a group photo" Niki suggested. They all agreed. They all posed as Niki angled the phone. They took a few pictures and posed some together.

"Fans will go crazy when i share this" Jeongin said as he checked the photos.

"They sure will" Shuhua said.

"Thank you for today. I had fun" Niki said to them as he walked to his dorm, waving bye. They all said their byes and Kai walked to his dorm. He opened the door and closed it after getting in. Getting his shoes of he walked to the kitchen.

"You're back. How was the hang out?" Yeonjun asked as he ate his ramen.

"It was fun" Kai said as he sat down next to him.

"Look, we took some pictures" he said. Taking his phone out and showing Yeonjun the photos.

"It looks fun, are you gonna share them?" Yeonjun asked.

"Maybe later" Kai said. Yeonjun hummed. Kai got to his room and changed into sweat pants and t shirt. He would definitely share the pictures. He couldn't wait any longer and chose which ones to share. He sent the chosen ones to the group chat. Getting a "Ok" in return. He pressed share as he typed "a fun day" in the caption. The reaction was instant. His notifications blew up.


"I can't believe this day became true"

"OMG They all look adorable"


"The photo we didn't know we needed"

"Eunchae and Yuna look so cuteee"

"Maknaes together. I win"

"Maknaes on top"

He was happy that everyone was happy about this. He had a fun hang out and also a good end of the day. He would never forget this day.

Hope you like it☆ ~('▽^人)

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