Chapter 7: Project Shellfire (part 2)

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You reached Dragon's Edge in the middle of the night. You knew that the riders would return at midday so decided to take the opportunity to sleep. You went to the clubhouse and found Stormstriker already snoring away, so you decided to sleep next to her.

The next day you kept waiting and waiting but no one came. So you decided to fly around the island just incase of a possible invasion. But there was nothing. So you waited till the next morning for the riders to appear but still none came. So you decided to train Stormstriker.

You took her to the dome where the dragon training equipment was. You decided that you would practise mounting her while sprinting towards each other. Both of you stood on the opposite ends of the dome and you whistled to let Storm know that the excercise had begun.

Both of you started to run towards each other and prepared to jump onto other, she came next to you and you jumped on grabbing her left wing and propelling yourself on her.

Next you decided to try out how strong Storm's others senses were, other than sight. So you blindfolded her and went to other side of the dome. The scenario was that you were captured by the hunters in the dead of night and Stormstriker had to grab you with her claws and throw you ontop of her while blindfolded. That's why you had also put several dummies around you. Oh boy did you have a rough time.

The first few times Storm grabbed the wrong dummy, and on the third try she accidently ripped a dummy in half. And after 10 trys here you were. You whistled again and Stormstriker flew towards you and grabbed you with her claws and took off, finally you had succeeded in the first half, now was the part where she would throw you onto her back. You said "Come on girl you can do it!" Unfortunately Storm underestimated her claw strength and threw you straight into the air miles above her. You were enjoying the sensation of flying up at first but when you started to fall you shouted in fear "Stormstriker I need you!"

Storm heard your distressed voice and tried to catch you with her tail, however she than overestimated her tail strength and as soon as she grabbed you the momentum forced her down as well. Just before hitting the ground Storm pulled you near her stomach and covered her wings around you as a protective shield.

You hit the ground with a mighty SLAM! Thankfully you were saved and so was Storm due to her armour and durability. You sighed in defeat.

If only Heather was here, she'd know what to do, wait a minute... you suddenly realized something. In the episodes, after realising that Ryker controlled the Shellfire the gang didn't come back straight to the Edge, they went to Berserker Island and the Defender of the Wing island first. You quickly said "Come one girl we have to go".

You mounted Storm and took off heading to Berserker Island. Well you were about to when you saw a dark figure fly through the clouds straight towards Astrid's hut. At first you thought it was a projectile or a dragon but on closer inspection you realized that it was Toothless. On him Hiccup was looking really worried and in his arms–in his arms was Astrid, she was injured in her leg and blood was spilling. You quickly turned Stormstriker and flew towards them.

You landed outside the hut and rushed in. You ran besides Hiccup who didn't even care about the fact that you were out of the hanger cell. You asked "What happened?" He replied "We were coming back from the Defender of the Wing island when we saw the Shellfire and the hunters. We were about to chase it when out of nowhere this mysterious man in a purple cloak, standing on a Catastrophic Quaken flew towards us and tried to kill us! We tried to escape but he threw a knife that hit Astrid in the leg. Wait how are you outside? And is that a Razorwhip?" You said "I'll tell you later, what can I do to help?" He replied "There's a cloth on the table take it and as soon as I remove the knife, cover the injury."

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