track one.

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STELLA: I told my parents what had happened and they were actually happy for me. Probably because this type of situation was real and not another one of those lame gigs. They let me fly to L.A. with Teddy, as long as I called them every day (smiles).

But after recording the song and sending it out into the didn't sell. Not in the way that Teddy or I wanted it to at least. It was a flop as some people would say now (laughs softly). Teddy tried to tell me it was because people didn't understand the genre, but that didn't stop me from being disappointed.


Stella stood outside of Teddy's office, listening in on his conversation with Don Midleton, his boss. It had been just a few days after they released "Brooklyn Baby" and it was not doing too well in sales; much like Teddy's other songs he had tried releasing, which was news to Stella.

"You just gotta be patient, man," Teddy told Don as Stella peered through the glass wall.

"Now, Teddy, come on," Don said, not having it.

"Look, not everything catches on right away. You already know that. I mean, just give it a chance," Teddy reasoned, not wanting to give up on the song.

"How many in a row is it, Teddy? Six, seven straight?" Don questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Six," Teddy confirmed after a moment of hesitation, which made Stella sigh to herself.

"Six in a row that didn't work."

"Uh, they did work. They just didn't sell," Teddy corrected him, glancing at Stella behind the glass. She sent him a grateful look before looking down, sucking in a breath.

"They have to sell, Teddy! How do you think we keep the lights on?" Don pointed out angrily.

"Look, okay, Don. All right, so, look, what, you-you're gonna fire me?" Teddy cut to the chase.

"Oh, come on. Don't be that way. Look, Dean Martin wants to cut another Christmas album," Don began to say, not wanting to fire Teddy since he was just trying his best.

"Motherfuck..." Teddy trailed off, turning away from his boss as he shook his head.

"Hey, Dino loves you! You know he does. Why not just take some easy shots for a change? Enjoy your life," Don told him as Teddy took a seat, taking out a journal filled with notes. "Think about it. You don't have to decide right now, but just...just think about it."

Don then left the room, closing the door behind him. He turned to Stella, knowing she had been there the whole time. "Sorry, kid, but...this profession isn't meant for everyone," he voiced before he walked past her.

"Just because it didn't sell, doesn't mean it's not good," Stella spoke up, paraphrasing what Teddy has said before. Don stopped and turned around, giving the girl a slightly surprised look.

"Look, don't get cocky, Stone. You've been offered a chance here and I could easily take that away, especially because your so-called 'good song' didn't work," Don threatened, which made Stella tense up a bit. "Next time, think before you speak, huh?"

Stella's nose flared angrily, wanting nothing more but to curse him out but she knew she couldn't. He was right, he could take away her opportunity in a second. "You're right," she forced a smile. "Sorry, it won't happen again."

Don nodded. "Good." He then turned around and walked away again, prompting Stella to send him the middle finger without him seeing. It was one of the ways she relieved her anger.


STELLA: After that little conversation, I thought Teddy would just give up on me and try to find someone else (purses lips). And I'm pretty sure he did try, seeing as though he would go to a lot of bars where live music would be played. But he didn't seem to find anyone. Some people actually found him.

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