track fourteen.

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Stella, Karen, Graham, and Warren sat in the studio as they watched Daisy play the new song she wrote, "Regret Me."

Stella had a feeling it had been about Billy due to the lyrics and her suspicions were only confirmed when Billy walked into the room with his guitar, a less than happy expression on his face.

"Hey," Warren smiled once Daisy finished playing and Stella sent her a few claps while sending Billy a glare.

"I wrote one for you this time," Daisy told him as she got up and handed him a piece of paper with the lyrics on it.

Billy grabbed it and read some of the lyrics. "This isn't going on the album," he stated.

"Why?" Daisy asked, tilting her head to the side.

"We agreed to write everything together," Billy came up with an excuse.

"You wrote 'More Fun to Miss' without me, right? That's going on the album," Daisy pointed out.

"Yeah, well, this is different."


"'Cause I say it is, that's why."

"Show of hands. Who thinks this song should go on the album?" Daisy questioned as she backed up from Billy, holding her hand up while Warren chuckled awkwardly.

"I do," Stella immediately said, raising her hand. Billy rolled her eyes at her but she didn't care.

Karen then let out a scoff and raised her hand slowly, causing Billy to give her a look. "It's a good song, Billy." She let her hand drop. "Isn't that what we're all here for?" She reasoned.

Warren raised his hand. "She's right, man. It's-It's good," he agreed.

Teddy then raised his hand from inside the booth, making Billy place the piece of paper down and to put his guitar on the floor. "This is bullshit," he commented, walking away.

"See ya," Daisy wiggled her fingers at him, causing Stella to snort.

"Hey, where you going?" Warren called out.

"Oh, come on, Billy," Karen groaned, but Billy didn't listen as he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"Should we run through it?" Daisy queried, a satisfied look on her face.

"Yeah. We need Eddie, though," Graham reminded her since he hadn't been in the room yet.

"I'll go find him," Stella quickly said for some reason before she left the room, shaking her head at herself. "I'll go find him? Stella, what the hell do you think you're—"

"Whoa!" Eddie yelped once the both of them rounded the corner at the same time, bumping into each other. "Oh, shit, Stella."

"Yeah, it's me," Stella dryly spoke as he pretended to play cool, smoothing down her clothes he had ruffled a bit. "You're needed in the recording room. Daisy has a new song."

"Okay, that's great, but I've been meaning to talk to you," he told her, sucking in a breath.

Stella let out a sigh. "Eddie, I don't—"

"Please," he cut her off desperately. "Just please hear me out."

Stella thought about it for a moment. She had been so conflicted ever since the two of them made out in the movie theater bathroom and she didn't know what to think or feel. Maybe this conversation will help me figure it out, she thought, thinking optimistically since she was getting a bit lonely without talking to Eddie as much anymore.

Sure, she had Karen, Warren, Graham, Daisy and Camila (whenever she was free from her child), but she just had a different bond with Eddie she couldn't name.

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