track eighteen.

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On the tour bus, Eddie and Warren made a bet about whether or not Graham would go for a groupie since he had been the only one not getting any girls.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. Billy hadn't seen he was married (which didn't stop him the last time but this time seemed to be different...for now), and Eddie had only been with Stella. But, she had come up with the plan for Eddie to lie about getting with women to cover up their secret romance.

Graham had been laying down on his bed, reading a book, when the blonde groupie went up to him. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hey, Graham," she spoke flirtatiously.

"Uh...hi," he said awkwardly as he got up, and Stella and Karen shared a knowing glance.

"I've been looking all over for you," she told him, placing her hands on her shoulders as she got closer to him.

"Ooh, uh, sorry," he said, trying to get around her. "Sorry, it's just..." he trailed off, not knowing what excuse he could come up with.

"Ahhh. All right, come on, give me 20 bucks," Eddie said to Warren as he sat down in defeat, handing the money over to the Roundtree boy.

"Oh, great, that was a bet," Graham realized, pursing his lips.

"You know they got medicine now that could fix all that up for you, man," Eddie told him, gesturing to his penis.

"No, nobody has VD for a whole year," Warren pointed out with a cigarette in between his lips, lighting it.

"Well, then what could it be? Are you into dudes now or somethin'?" Eddie questioned and Stella subtly rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Look, I don't have to explain myself to you guys, all right?" Graham spoke, trying to get out of the situation.

"It's okay if you are, you know. I'd still love you, man," Eddie assured him.

"I mean, me, too. Just not like that," Warren joked, causing them all to laugh except Graham, Karen, and Stella

"You guys are so immature," Stella pointed out, wanting to move the conversation along for Karen and Graham's sake.

However, Karen seemed to have different plans. "Guys, he's not into dudes," she spoke up, making them all stop laughing and for Stella's eyebrows to raise. "And his dick's perfect. We've been screwing since the album sessions. In the studio, in the car."

"Karen," Graham whispered, getting embarrassed.

"On this bus. You guys have just been too up your own fucking asses to notice," she continued and Stella grinned, crossing her arms over her chest proudly.

But Warren and Eddie didn't seem to believe it since they bursted out laughing. "Come on. Let's get serious," they both said.

"You don't believe me?" She asked before she got up and went over to Graham, immediately making out with him. It was obvious that the two had done it before by the way they had instantly melted into the kiss.

Eddie and Warren's mouth slowly dropped at the sight, realizing that Karen definitely was not lying about them screwing the whole time.

Stella began to clap, feeling like it was definitely needed for some reason. Eddie turned to look up at her, collecting himself, before mouthing, "Should we...?"

Stella knew what he was about to ask: "Should we tell them about us now?" But she didn't feel ready to, especially with groupies on the bus. She subtly shook her head and Eddie frowned a bit, turning back to the pair since they were still kissing.

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