track eight.

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Stella got ready for a party that Camila and Billy were throwing at their rented house, having the whole room to herself since Graham and Karen left early to help the married couple set up.

She decided to wear a jean skirt that went to her thighs and a boho floral red crop top. She let her hair flow loose, pushing her bangs to the side to make them look more like curtain bangs. She also slipped on her ankle high white boots, finishing the look up with some makeup on her face.

She then went over to the mirror, examining herself to make sure she looked good. She had always been a pretty confident girl in front of others, but that didn't stop some insecurities from creeping in every now and again.

"You look great," someone spoke up from behind and she gasped and quickly turned around, holding her fists up to get ready to fight. "Whoa, it's just me!" Eddie assured her in the doorway, holding his hands up in defense.

"Eddie!" She exclaimed, lowering her fists. "You scared the shit outta me. How long were you there for, you perv?"

Eddie gave her a look. "I just got here. Trust me, I'd never do that," he replied and she let out a sigh. "I've never seen you get scared like that before," he then added, laughing a bit.

She cleared her throat, forcing a smile. "I was just...not paying attention, that's all," she said before turning back to look in the mirror, avoiding his gaze. However, her eyes traveled over in the mirror so she could look at his reflection, which had been staring at her. "Okay, because now you're actually acting like a perv," she pointed out, but mostly in a joking manner.

"What? I just think you look pretty, that's all. I'm not allowed to think that?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

She turned back around to face him, arching a brow. "Are you flirting with me, Mr. Roundtree?" She teased and Eddie cleared his throat, glancing away awkwardly. "Relax, I'm just joking. You should know that by now."

Eddie forced a laugh. "Right. Yeah."

"But since you're here, I actually do need your help with my necklace." She went over to the new, silver necklace on the vanity she had bought and picked it up. "Would you?"

"Uh, yeah. Of course." Eddie went over to her and she handed him the necklace before turning back around to face the mirror again. She moved her away away from her neck, placing it over her shoulder and holding it there.

"Okay, here we go," he muttered as he grabbed the ends of the necklace and reached over her head. He then brought the necklace closer to her body, just like he had been. She could practically feel his breath on her neck, which almost made her get goosebumps.

He glanced up at the mirror as he was working on clasping the necklace, seeing that Stella's eyes were pointed downward. He could see the way her eyeliner sat on the top of her eyelid and how long her eyelashes were. She looked absolutely beautiful.

He was lost in the trance for so long that he didn't even see when Stella's eyes flitted to his reflection in the mirror. "You having trouble?" She inquired, releasing a soft laugh that prayed didn't sound nervous. For some reason, when she noticed Eddie's eyes on her again, her stomach had dropped and she had just begun to realize how close he actually was to her.

"Oh, what? No, no, uh, I got it," he quickly stammered as he raced to fasten the necklace. He then finally did so, cursing at himself in his mind for looking like an idiot and taking so long. "There."

Stella smiled and turned around to face him. Since they had only been inches apart while he was doing her necklace, now their faces had just been mere inches apart. Eddie swallowed hard at the closeness, but didn't dare to move.

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