track twelve.

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DAISY: We must've written eight or nine songs the first couple weeks. I would have an idea, and then he'd flesh it out, or he would come up with a riff, and I'd come up with a melody line.

BILLY: When you're making an album, any album, it's an intimate thing. I mean, it has to be.

DAISY: Which isn't to say we didn't...fight.

BILLY: Oh, we were fighting constantly (chuckles).

WARREN: For a month it was like that. We'd be, we'd be in the studio, you know, recording all the arrangements, and they'd be...who knows where, doing God knows what.

EDDIE: Every day, they'd come in with something new.

KAREN: I mean, great fucking songs.

EDDIE: And every night, they'd come in giggling like two little schoolgirls.

STELLA: It kinda felt like they had their own little secret that no one else knew about. And, honestly, I didn't want to know what it was.


While the band was practicing in the studio, Daisy and Billy came in laughing. "And then, I mean, I mean, that's exactly what he said," Billy said, obviously telling her something they'd been talking about before arriving.

"Bullshit," Daisy replied.

"No, I swear, I swear on my life!"

"Bullshit!" She said again as the two laughed more and more, the band just silent as they watched them.

"What? It's not that funny," he spoke through his laughter.


INTERVIEWER: Did it concern you?

GRAHAM: Not really. Not yet, anyway. I, whatever they were doing...(shrugs) it was working.

STELLA: Yes, it did concern me. Especially after Billy already cheated on Camila not once, but a few times before she found out. I wanted to trust him and Daisy, especially Daisy, but I just...I didn't want him to hurt Cami again (frowns).


They played the song that Daisy and Billy had written before Daisy interrupted them. "It's not right. It doesn't sound good. It needs to sound — It sounds too nice. It needs to sound swampy."

"Swampy?" Eddie repeated.

"Do you know what I mean? It needs to sound swampier," she shouted to Billy, who'd been watching through the window.

"Uh...Ride the toms instead of the high-hat. Eddie, longer notes," Billy instructed through the intercom.

"All right." The band started up again, but this time the way how Billy told them to do it.

Daisy nodded along, looking back at Billy with approval written in her face. "Great. Was that so hard?" She asked, making the band stop playing.

"I guess he speaks Daisy now," Eddie commented, referring to Billy.

Warren chuckled, "Swampy."

"Swampy!" Eddie repeated in a funny voice, looking in Stella's direction in hopes of making her laugh since they hadn't really spoken real conversations in a while, but she hadn't found any of it funny.

In fact, the entire thing just felt so weird to her. Billy had been way too happy recently and it had all started when Daisy and him wrote their first song together. Don't get her wrong, she liked when Billy hadn't been his grumpy self but she didn't like the reason behind it if it was something that had to do with infidelity.

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