track three.

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"Turn around, look me in the eye / Turn around and look me in the eye / Turn around, say it to my face / Turn around, say it to my face," Billy sang drunkenly at one of their shows, which didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the band. It had been a little after Camila had found out about his cheating, so he was definitely going on a downward spiral.

Stella glanced over at Eddie and the both of them shared the same look, knowing that Billy was making them sound terrible. However, Stella tried doing her best as the backup singer and rhythm guitarist to make it sound better than it had, but Billy insisted on lowering her microphone so no one could really hear her after he found out she had been the one to call Camila.

It was basically a punishment of some sorts, which royally pissed off the Stone girl.

"Thank you, San Diego!" Billy announced in the microphone after they ended the song. "You're beautiful, each and every one of you. We're gonna...We're gonna see you soon, all right?"

They all proceeded to walk off the stage, making the crowd start to boo since they had ended the set earlier than usual. And the reason was because Teddy Price had shown up from out of nowhere.

Billy walked off the stage — well, more like stumbled — and stopped once he had seen Teddy. "You fucking called him?" He questioned his brother.

"Billy, I didn't. I swear," Graham promised, shaking his head.

Billy turned to Stella. "Then it must've been you, you bitch," he assumed since she called Camila last time, pointing an accusatory finger at her.

She glared at him. "It wasn't me this time, Billy," she told him, trying to hold back since she knew he had been extra bitter due to his drunkenness. And she also knew that if Teddy were here, it must be something important so she didn't want to rile Billy up even more.

"It's good to see you, too," Teddy spoke up as he examined the state that Billy had been in. Graham looked at the rest of the band and gestured for them to back away, wanting to give the two some space. They listened and walked away, but still close enough to hear the conversation.

Billy patted him in the shoulder, starting to smile. "Hey, man," he greeted before pulling him into a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just coming to check on you, but, uh...plans have changed." Billy didn't seem to be listening since he decided to light a cigarette. "Camila's had the baby, Billy," Teddy revealed, which made the band share a surprised look. "It's a little girl. Let's go meet your daughter. Come on. Come on."

Teddy forced Billy outside as the rest of them followed suit. "He'll see you in Seattle," Teddy told them as he shut the door for Billy who had gotten in the passenger seat. Billy looked over at them just watching him, starting to feel embarrassed for the way he had been acting. Teddy then got into the driver's seat, starting the car to drive off.

The band all shared a look before they made their way back inside the place. "What the hell are we supposed to do about the rest of this show?" Stella asked since no one else had been talking.

Karen shook her head. "I don't know," she breathed out.

"How about we just continue?" Warren suggested with a shrug.

"Without a lead singer?" Graham pointed out, giving him a look.

"I could do it," Stella stepped up. "I mean, I know the lyrics and whatnot. And, well, I can obviously sing."

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