track nineteen.

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Stella had got up the next morning after Eddie calmed her down. She was still worried about Daisy since Nicky didn't seem to care about her at all, but at the same time, she knew it wasn't her place to control Daisy.

"Pack your shit up," Stella heard Daisy say outside of her door in the hotel as she was brushing her hair, causing her brows to furrow and for her to set down her brush on the vanity.

"Daisy. Daisy, you wouldn't listen, okay? I didn't know what to do," she heard Nicky explain as she neared her door, wanting to see what was going on.

"You left me in the fucking shower?!" Daisy shrieked and Stella immediately opened her door, popping her head out. It seemed like everyone else had the same idea since she looked around, seeing her band mates doing the same thing.

Daisy then turned away from Nicky and went into their room. "Daisy..." he whispered as Graham, Warren, and Eddie neared them slowly.

"I said pack your shit up and get out of here!" She told him, grabbing his bags and throwing them on the floor.

"No," he said and she scoffed, turning to grab a glass vase. "Daisy...Daisy." She threw the vase at the wall next to him, causing it to shatter everywhere. She then stepped forward and pushed him back, causing him to start to grab her.

But, the boys immediately shoved Nicky away protectively. "Whoa, whoa. You heard the lady. You heard her," Warren pointed at him with wide eyes.

"You're making a huge fucking mistake," he spoke through clenched teeth before he grabbed his bags. "You'll regret this."

"Get the fuck outta here you piece of shit!" Stella shouted from down the hallway, beginning the walk toward them all.

The boys tried to comfort Daisy, but she pushed their hands away until Karen and Stella came over and hugged her. "I should've listened to you," Daisy cried in Stella's and Karen's arms. "I should've listened."

"It's okay, Daisy. Shh, it's okay," Stella tried to comfort her as she shared a concerned look with Karen. She didn't know how Daisy would carry on with the tour in this state.

And Stella's suspicions at been correct because on the first show back from Nicky leaving, Daisy had not been acting in her usual way on stage. Although, her voice was still amazing.


KAREN: Even in shambles, Daisy was a powerhouse, but this was just...sad.

STELLA: I wanted to help her. I did. But Daisy was the kind of person who liked to solve things on her own. Couldn't blame her, I tended to be the same way.


At another one of their shows, Daisy seemed to be not doing well. "You need a rest. Take it," Billy told her on stage as the crowd cheered for them. After Nicky had left, their relationship had seemed to be on the mend. And he also seemed less on edge.

However, Daisy didn't listen. Instead she said into the microphone, "I almost died the other night." The band's eyes all widened and Stella looked at Eddie, who slowly shrugged in confusion. "I was this close." She held her fingers up, showing how close she became to death. "But I'm alive tonight!" The whole crowd cheered. "And you're alive tonight. So, let's just stay alive a little bit longer."

Warren then started on drums and the rest of the band joined in on their instruments to continue the song. And the whole crowd loved it and it seemed like Daisy was getting her mojo back.


EDDIE: Spring '77. This was our moment.

GRAHAM: It's when you least want things to change...that they always do.

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