track four.

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"Who the fuck do you think you are, man?" Eddie questioned Billy as held a cigarette in his hand since he had just told them all he was leaving the band.

"Yeah, seriously?" Stella backed Eddie up, crossing her arms over her chest. Now he wants to be a good husband and father? She thought angrily, wanting nothing more than to just smack his stupid face.

"Look, everybody just calm down, okay?" Graham interjected calmly, not wanting things to get too heated.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Stell and I can't be the only ones who are pissed here," Eddie responded angrily as he gestured at the blonde woman, sitting up straighter in his chair.

"I don't know what else you want me to say. You guys don't even need me. You have the songs, you got the fan base," Billy responded. "I mean, I'm sure if you just—"

"Billy!" Eddie cut him off, making the older Dunne brother stop talking. "If you're going, go," he told him sternly, waving his hand towards the space behind the boy.

"All right," Billy whispered as he backed up and left the room, leaving them all there to process what had just happened.

Stella scoffed to herself, plopping down on the couch next to Warren as she muttered, "What the actual fuck."

Warren pushed up from his seat, giving Stella a wary look since she looked like she wanted to sock someone. "So now what do we do?" He asked carefully.


KAREN: I mean, bands fall apart, you know. That's rock and roll. (stares to the side) I just...thought this one was different.

STELLA: As you know by now, I did not like [Billy] whatsoever (chuckles ironically). But that didn't mean I didn't think he was talented. I mean, without him...chances of us being a great band were low. He screwed us over. Again.


Without saying anything, Stella got up and left the room to go follow Billy before he had completely left. "Hey," she called out since he seemed to have stopped to gather some things, but once he saw her, he began walking away again. "Hey!" She tried again, grabbing his arm.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Billy harshly asked as he spun around and shoved her hand away from him.

"I want you to change your fucking mind," she demanded, her nose flaring. "Do you have any idea what this will do to us?"

Billy narrowed his eyes at her. "Need I remind you why this is even happening in the first place?" He voiced and she just shrugged and shook her head, not knowing what he was talking about. "It's because of your little call to my wife. I wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't called her."

"Oh, bullshit," she immediately said. "You'd still be drunk and high out of your mind to the point where you'd miss your daughter's birth even if I hadn't called her. And you'd still be cheating her and probably becoming a father to more unwanted children. So, you should be thanking me right now, Mr. Dunne."

Billy's lips pursed and his body tensed before he looked past her, seeing that the others had been peering around the wall to make sure nothing violent happened.

He then looked back down at the blonde girl. "If you fucking hate me so badly, then you should be happy I'm leaving," he seethed before he turned around and walked away from her.

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