track thirteen.

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BILLY: Next day, we were supposed to record vocals for "Aurora." And we waited hours.


"Did you try her room?" Teddy questioned no in particular as the band sat in studio, trying to pass the time before Daisy could show up.

"Yeah, couple times," Billy answered monotonously. "I'm worried something's happened." Stella looked up from her nails and narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Ah, she's probably just off somewhere," Teddy brushed it off, not thinking it was a big deal.

"No. No, no. This is her record as much as it's mine." Stella shared a look with Karen and the latter subtly shook her head while the former scoffed quietly, becoming even more suspicious. "Something's not right. I got to go," Billy said before he rushed off toward the door.

"I'll go with you," Teddy offered.

"No, it's worse if the principal comes."

"Well, take Warren," he suggested.

"I can handle it," Billy told him before he left the room, causing Teddy to sigh.

Stella crossed her arms, looking around at everyone just standing there without saying anything. She then groaned in frustration. "Is no one gonna address the elephant in the room here?" She spoke up, giving each of them a look.

"Which is?" Graham replied even though he had a feeling it would be related to Daisy and Billy.

"Daisy and Billy," she said, voicing his thoughts. "It's obvious something is going on there," she dared to say, which was pretty risky.


"No, Teddy, don't tell me not to worry about it since they're making songs," Stella cut Teddy off, making him sigh again. "I don't give a damn if they're making good fucking music, if Billy is cheating on Camila with her then it's a big fucking deal. And no one here can tell me that it isn't."

"Look, Stell, I agree with you but nothing is going on between them," Graham assured her. "They're just friends. Guys and girls can be friends, like-like-like you and Eddie." He gestured to Eddie, who had pursed his lips and tensed up. It seemed like Graham hasn't noticed that the two of them hadn't been speaking to one another as much like Karen had.

Stella glanced over at Eddie, knowing that Graham had been wrong in this particular situation. Even though they still hadn't spoken about it, they had hooked up, meaning they weren't just friends. So, the same could be true with Billy and Daisy.

She looked away from Eddie, who had scoffed quietly to himself. "How can you be so sure about that? Were you there all those times they were out writing songs for hours?" She questioned, ignoring the comment about her and Eddie.

"W-Well, no, b—"

"Then you can't know for sure that there isn't something going on just like I can't know for sure that there is something going on," she interrupted the younger Dunne brother. "But I'm leaning more towards the 'there is something going on' side due to Billy's track record with pretty women."

Warren made his way up to her, tilting his head to the side. "I'm not saying I disagree with you, but I don't think we should be talking about this right now," he told her softly, not wanting the tension to rise even more in the room.

Stella scoffed loudly. "Does no one care about Camila's feelings? About her whole family?"

"Of course we care, Stella," Karen voiced, knowing that Stella would probably listen to another woman instead of a man. "It's's not a good time to bring it up in the middle of recording, that's all."

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