Unknown family (1)

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Week 1: Broken Family

In the main room, there was a man eating breakfast with a boy who looked younger leaning over the table and another boy who looked taller who just came out of the bedroom next to her.

She was instantly confused, but before she could process what was happening, the taller boy spoke in a scolding voice, "I cannot believe you cried again; you always make us late."

"You're going to irritate Mom." The youngest said, The woman was putting rice in a bowl. And with a confused voice, she said, "Mom?" The woman just looked at her with an irritated look before going before turning away.

The women put the bowls down and told her to sit down. Still hesitant, she cautiously walked over slowly and sat down next to the women. After the plain breakfast, she remembered her mom's cooking and started to feel sad.

The women patted her hair, which confused her because she thought the women would scold her for eating so slowly.

The eldest appeared to be playing sakkā. Then the so-called "father" looked older than hers, with wrinkles and white hair growing at the same rate as the woman's. They both could pass off as being her grandparents, which was more confusing.

The young boy was the first to finish rushing off to the bathroom to brush his teeth, with the oldest following. Then the woman patted my hair, telling me to do the same, so she got up and hesitantly followed. The women took the dishes and put them in the sink.

The eldest picked her up, which startled her, and put her on a stool next to the younger boy. Taking a tooth brush and pushing it into her hand. Unlike her family, they seem distant, only talking when necessary. At first, I thought they were mean, but now she knows that isn't true.

Normally her parents say goodbye, but the eldest simply said they were leaving and walked out. The streets seemed unfamiliar, which frightened and confused her. The three of them held hands.

There were three paths: right, left, and straight. They both split apart, going different ways, but luckily the sign made her sigh in relief.

feeling anxious; even if she ran away now, she would have nowhere to go. She still had so many questions, like, Where am I? How did I get here?

They don't act like family but like acquaintances. The so-called parents also seem too old.

She was hoping she had friends who could fill her in, but she was too nervous to ask. She continued walking aimlessly, knowing she wouldn't get any answers on her own.

Students waved goodbye to their parents and walked in; the walk from the house to school took 5 minutes. She wondered at one point if she was lost. Unlike them, who had a nice appearance, she subconsciously reached out and touched her messy hair.

She was in such a chaotic state this morning that she didn't have time to do my appearance. She can't believe no one said anything. Is this a normal occurrence?

Soon after, a girl ran towards her; she called me Sullyoon.

"Why didn't you wait for me at the stop sign? We always walk together. I waited for 5 minutes, thinking something had happened. I was almost late."

Not knowing what to say, she gave a sympathetic bow. She wonders what the girl would think if she found out she wasn't Sullyoon.

"Don't apologize; you never do." The girl playfully shrugged.

I don't?...

Who has been this Sullyoon so far? She always cried every morning, probably not wanting to go to school, and she never apologized to anyone. What type of person is Sullyoon? The girl continued to talk as they walked towards the building, where the teachers greeted the students.

After greeting the teacher, they changed their shoes. Everyone was going to their class, but she decided to follow her friend, but she didn't realize that was her mistake.

"Why are you following me? Your class is down there."

Understanding what she meant, she made up an excuse of wanting to say goodbye before rushing the other way, trying to get away as fast as possible.

She panicked, which just made her more suspicious. She has to make a note to herself to be more cautious.

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