Still Here? (1)

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Sadly, when Sullyoon woke up, she was still here. It's only been a day, but she already wanted to give up. Will she ever be able to see them again? Unlike yesterday, Sullyoon didn't have the energy. Sullyoon mother told her to get read, but when she tried to fake being sick, she simply left and slammed the door, not listening.

Despite their whispering, Sullyoon clearly heard them talking about her since the walls were thin, the living room and kitchen in one main room, and the three bedrooms with the boys sharing one.

Eventually realizing if Sullyoon layed around doing nothing. It wouldn't solve her problems.

Finally leaving the room and sitting down. Everyone instantly went quiet, and the so-called mother smacked me on the head. With the other two brothers just staring at me. Sullyoon didn't have even the patience to deal with them.

Remembering what her friend Noriko said yesterday, she decided to wait at the stop sign. Sullyoon was determined to get answers. So far, the only information she can get is from her friends and family.

After waiting a couple minutes, Sullyoon saw Noriko come down the slope and walk towards me.

After greeting each other, Sullyoon decided to take the chance to see if she could go over to her house after school, but Noriko refused, saying her dad was working today and maybe another day.

After agreeing, they started walking to school and talking about different subjects. Noriko even noticed Sullyoon talked more than yesterday.

Once she departed, Sullyoon had to deal with the school problem.

After preparing her stuff, Sullyoon decided to close her eyes for a couple minutes before class began, but when the teacher was talking and everyone was already taking notes, How long did I sleep for? Sullyoon nervously brushed her hair while looking around.

"If you're done sleeping, you can take your notes out. I would also like to talk to you after class.

Sullyoon just nervously smiled. She just hoped her so-called parents wouldn't hear about it, but since he heard about it yesterday, she already knew the answer.

Once class ended, the teacher closed the doors so no one could hear the conversation. Noriko was waiting in the hallway, wondering what was going on.

"It has come to my attention that you are lacking in class; I have expected better from you." After the teacher scolded her, she apologized and left.

Noriko was sitting with other people, so Sullyoon decided to walk over. Noriko made space. the guys at the table brought up,

"Aren't you going to eat lunch?"

"I'm not hungry." That was a lie, but by the time Sullyoon tried, The cafeteria food was nearly gone. She just hoped my stomach didn't growl.

After awhile, Noriko introduced Sullyoon to her friends. Apparently, they never talked to me before.

After another long day, Sullyoon dragged her feet walking home, knowing she would probably get into trouble. Seeing her two brothers, who were unaware, acting cheerfully, she decided not to ruin the mood.

The mother was making the same thing. Once everyone was sitting down, I was about to begin to eat, but he had to speak up.

"I heard you slept in class today."

Everyone paused, not daring to eat or talk anymore, just holding their utensils in midair.

All Sullyoon could do was sit there silently, hoping he would keep quiet, but of course Sullyoon didn't get what she wanted.

"Because of that, you're not allowed to eat tonight. You can just eat the rice, then go study in your room, and if I find out you're not studying, you're not allowed to eat breakfast tomorrow."

Unlike yesterday, even though his voice was still calm, it was more tense than yesterday.

Suddenly, her mother took the food away. Sullyoon dared not say a word. She just continued to eat well, and her brothers kept glancing at her.

Luckily, Sullyoon brought home snacks today from the vending machine and ate them quietly.

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