Visitation Day (3)

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As the day began, families began to pile on her, but luckily her two friends, Jung Su and Misook, hung out with her. Just like her, they also had no one visiting them. For most of the day, it was chaotic, and you couldn't get one moment of quietness.

As Sullyoon was heading back to her room in the evening, a woman called out to her, claiming to be her aunt. She was confused at first but decided to head to her room with the aunt.

But what the aunt said confused her even more. She asked if the stepfather was abusing her. Sullyoon didn't know what to say since she didn't have the previous memories. But if that's true, was the push down the stairs really an accident or the reason why she's in the hospital? Normally, when you break your arm, you don't stay at the hospital for a month. Unless there was something else...

The aunt continued to talk and said she would have taken Sullyoon in but already had three boys and couldn't handle another child. She seemed distant and didn't act affectionate.

Sullyoon wondered if she was talking to a stranger instead of a family member. Sullyoon was more curious than ever about the previous owner's life. Her family seems distant from her, and the one she lived with felt disgusted by her. But for what reasons?

Then there were the allegations about the stepfather. The day ended, and she still didn't have any answers, but the week was almost over, and she knew she would never get any answers.

The other thing that was different was that instead of waking up on Monday, she woke up on Wednesday, so she had doubts about what would happen on Monday.

Monday morning, when she woke up and found out she was still in the hospital, Sullyoon could only come to the conclusion that, after seven days, she would wake up in another body. Since she woke up on Wednesday, it also meant she only had two days left.

Since Sullyoon had time, she decided to get to know her two friends and hopefully help them out with their family problems. This time, Sullyoon hoped she could impact people's lives and hopefully change something.

Sullyoon was feeling hopeless; it felt like everything she did was meaningless and had no consequences. For the next two days, she talked with the staff, chatted with the cafeteria workers, and even made new friends.

As she quietly lay in bed, she prayed she would wake up in her original body or have more time to help others.

End of Week 3: Hospital
Third Section completed (3)

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