Babysitter (4)

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The next day, their mother was shopping, so she decided to go through the numbers. My brother tried to stop me, saying she would find out, but I reinsured him.

Last night he kept having nightmares, so I decided to hold him and comfort him.

The first numbers didn't respond, were disconnected, or weren't helpful. But finally, one of their old babysitters answered.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hi, it's me. Do you remember me?"

"Ah, yes, you're one of the kids I used to babysit. I'm surprised you even remember me."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Nothing, just studying at home? Why do you ask?"

"Me and my brother, if we could come see you, Do you live far?"

"No, but are your parents okay with that?"

"Yes, we already asked."

"Can I speak to her?"

"She's busy at that moment, but we promise not to stay long."

"Okay, if it's fine with her."

"What's your address?"

Finally, after hanging up, I told my brother to pack his bag. He seemed startled, but did so.

Well, heading out, we saw her coming back, so we sneakily walked away, hiding between the bushes.

As we walked past, we made sure to look around. Finally, we arrived.

I tried to make our appearances look as neat as possible. Once she opened the door, she offered snacks.

She asked if we wanted to stay for dinner, but we declined. After awhile, I decided to bring it up.

"Have you talked to our mother in awhile?"

"Not since she suddenly fired me out of the blue. Why?"

"Do you know our parents aren't together?"

"I didn't realize. They were fighting, but I didn't realize it was that bad. I'm sorry. Do you still see him?"

"Not anymore. She has been down ever since, and I was hoping you could talk to her. If it's too much, pretend I didn't say anything."

"I see what I can do, but there is probably too much. I wasn't that close to her, but she seemed nice."

"Thanks. Maybe this weekend you could come over?."

Sadly, I was probably gone before that, but hopefully if she comes over and sees the situation, she might try to talk to the mother or call the authorities."

"That sounds good."

After talking for awhile, we decided to head back. It seemed like she noticed the bruises because she kept looking at them. I just gave a sympathetic smile before we headed out.

since I know the mother will already be mad. We decided to stay in this place I found that looked abandoned. It looked like a small party room that had no cameras. There were locks, but they found a way through a window.

Since we came prepared, we had blankets and food.

As we fell asleep, I prayed everything would go smoothly. Tomorrow was Monday, and I mostly likely wouldn't be here to find out what happened.

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