A long Week (1)

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Sullyoon couldn't get used to the situation, but was able to survive the rest of the week without getting scolded.

It was actually Sullyoon's youngest brother Hugo's birthday, and the mother bought a cake.

For once, it actually felt like a family. Even though Sullyoon didn't find out her oldest brother's name or our parents names, I did find out why they were older.

It was actually because their parents got into a car crash and died that our grandparents took us in.

Despite the fact that Sullyoon still looks the same as in her previous life, Although Sullyoon came to terms with it, she still got sad thinking about her previous family. This family had some moments, but they still acted stiff around each other.

From what Sullyoon can gather, their parents deaths happened not too long ago, so maybe they are still saddened by their deaths.

The father works at a paper company, so he often goes to work late at night and comes back in the morning. Then her mother has the day off, but sometimes she brings home leftovers from the diner. It's quite sad that, despite being so old, they still have to work to raise us. Even though Sulloon didn't understand them completely, she knows why they made school such a big thing and why they don't always look pleasant.

After brushing her teeth, her mother put down a bowl of rice with an egg. In the living room. The entire family looks like it got along, but how come when she was in the room they became more quiet? Did Sullyoon have something to do with the parents accident? I don't understand why they seem to directly target me. Even though it was all assumptions and theories,.

At this time, Sullyoon wishes she had the previous owner's memories. Where did the old Sullyoon go? Did she possess my body? I actually hope she does so my parents won't be lonely. But I still have my doubts about where she would have gone.

At one point, Sullyoon thought she had died, but it wouldn't have been possible.

The mother spoke up when she was in thought:

"Hey, I'm going to the grocery store today, and Sullyoon is coming with me, so keep the reckless down and don't bother your father."

After turning around, she just continued to do dishes.

"We're going to the grocery store in 30 minutes, so go get ready. Since you decided to sleep in, you have to help carry stuff. Also, don't buy expensive or cheap stuff like candy.".

Sullyoon has only been wearing a uniform, so she wondered what type of clothes she wears. It was only jeans and T-shirts, which was the complete opposite of her wardrobe, which was skirts and dresses.

Sullyoon picked out one; she wonders who gave her this because it doesn't feel like Sullyoon picked it herself.

"Hey, you're wearing the shirt I gave you last year for Christmas; I remember you saying it was tacky."

Sullyoon was surprised he gave her this; not only that, but he was actually laughing and seemed happy. It felt strange.

My two brothers turned in my direction, eyes widening.

"I'm almost done; unless you want to do them, then I'll have to get dressed myself."

Sullyoon often helped her mom with the chores when her father was at work. Everyone was surprised.

She didn't let Sullyoon do them alone, complaining the last time she broke a plate.

This is the first time Sullyoon has been able to explore the town, so she was excited to look around the area. When they finally arrived, she grabbed Sullyoon's hand.

The warmth reminded Sullyoon of her mother.

"I have to go run errands, so go pick out whatever you want, but you better not get candy or any junk; you got it!"

I sigh, whispering, "I miss my mom's cooking," with some passersby overhearing and giving me a pity look.

She looked worried about the price, but because of the coupons she had, she got everything, and we left. Now that we had more food, I couldn't wait to get home to eat. But my dreams were soon crushed; we had the same thing.

Does she not know how to cook? She bought all these new ingredients but didn't use any of them except to make asparagus for a side dish.

End of Week 1: Broken Family
First Section Completed (1)

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