Nightmare (2)

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The next morning, as I was sleeping, all of a sudden I felt someone shaking me, saying, "Come on get up; I want to play. Mom said If I want to go outside, take you with me!" After sitting up My brother was standing right in front of me, and I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up. Eventually I went to the kitchen with him and ate breakfast, and he put his shoes on. Mother: "She's still eating; give her time; you have all day to play."

Lucky my mom helped me out. And I could finally take my time without feeling rushed. Finally, after getting ready, we left, but this time instead of going to the playground, we decided to go to the pond and see the ducks. This entire neighborhood was so huge anyone could get lost; I only seen part of it last time, and some things looked different.

Finally, after playing for hours, they came back home. she was determined not to eat as much as Sullyoon  previously. She clutched her hands in determination, and the brother just started laughing, thinking she looked weird. After washing up and going to her bedroom, she went to sleep.

Suddenly She looked around; it was all pitch black and the floor was covered with water. Sullyoon decided to continue to walk forward towards the light when She realized it was actually a car light. When She got closer, Sullyoon body was lying on the ground bleeding out, and the guy was calling 911.

Was this how Sullyoon died? She couldn't believe it. Suddenly she woke up in sweat, and the brother was pounding on the door with the mother scolding him. Soon the noise quieted down as I realized he probably gave up.

After the whole conversation settled down, apparently our aunts and uncles are coming to visit today. Sullyoon wonder what they look like. Not only that, but they are also bringing loads of foods, from what She heard. Just what we need; just hearing it makes her anxious. As they nervously sat at the table with her father pacing back and forth, the doorbell rang, and we all stood up, and he went to go get the door and greet them.

After entering, all my hopes were crushed. They also had presents, though She wonder who they were for. Once the aunt gave her brother a gift and came to Sullyoon, telling her to open it. It was a white dress with pink buttons and a small flower.

It was around lunch time, and we all sat at the small table and ate, even though now the thought of even eating makes my stomach hurt, so Sullyoon made an excuse up that She already ate in my room.

She did get scolded, but it was fine as long as She didn't have to eat that much food. Sullyoon felt bad for the brother, who was still skinny. She just hoped he joined a sport or start working once he was older, or he wouldn't have a bright future.

After overstaying their visit, they left, saying they would visit another time. As they continued to eat.

Today our so-called friends were coming over who lived in the neighborhood. It was finally a fresh change from just hanging out with my brother. Not only that, but ever since meals she was finally able to convince them to eat less, but it was still too much.

Where do they even get the money? My brother paced back and forth nervously, almost like his father, which made me laugh. Once we saw a couple kids at the door, he rushed outside with his mother scolding him not to run. Sullyoon just stood there, patiently waiting until they came closer.

Running to the playground was now a routine as we played, and they all complained about how school started in a month, and she didn't even realize it because no one brought it up, As the sun was setting, they said goodbye and ran home for dinner. Sullyoon been trying to get her brother to exercise more in the hopes that it will help, making up excuses like it's a fun game as they exercise with their parents, mostly their mom, well we're all in the living room watching tv.

white dress with pink buttons and a small flower reference ^ ___________________________End of Week 2: Glutton FamilySecond Section completed (2)

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white dress with pink buttons and a small flower reference ^
End of Week 2: Glutton Family
Second Section completed (2)

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