Isolation (4)

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Having no one to talk to except her brother. She decided to investigate the neighborhood. Using an excuse, she would go buy the groceries. She decided to talk to anyone she saw outside. I'm hoping to get more clues and maybe drop some hints. I saw if they picked up on them, but none seemed to even care; they just looked bothered.

Realizing the neighborhood wasn't going to help, she had to find someone else. So as she headed to the store, she planned to make a scene and draw people's attention. So people have to help them.

As she looked for the right person, she found a woman who looked nice enough.

So she decided to accidentally bump into her and make it look like an accident. Then bring up sad facts to make people feel pity for her.

After that, she decided to go look around the place. Trying to find ways to make money, they had to run away.

After awhile, she decided to head back home. Of course, the mother started yelling at her, but she went into the bedroom. Later that night, she definitely had to treat his injuries and her own.

The mother didn't make dinner and just went out. Apparently she didn't work, so it didn't help the situation.

But she did take the time to take care of the injuries and then freshen herself and her brother up by taking baths and then trying to find something for them to eat.

The mother didn't come home until late, which gave her an opportunity to look around. She found phone numbers and hid them so she could call them later on the home phone. Nothing else was useful.

As the mother entered the door, she stumbled along the way. I could tell Childe was trembling, so I patted him on the back.

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