Lonely (4)

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Week 4: Broken Family

As she woke, she gasped for air after the nightmare she had. In the dream, she was in the hospital, but as time went on, none of her family members came back for her. Eventually, the hospital called the police, saying the family had run off and never paid the hospital bills. Making the aunt, which resulted in her accusing the child.

She was replaced in the orphanage until she was adopted by a family. Sadly, it didn't have a happy ending because the family was abusive and ended up killing her.

She couldn't help but feel sweat and tears coming down her face. She felt so sad for the girl; she never did anything, but everyone always blamed her.

She hoped she would have a happy ending, but sadly, she did not.

As she sighed, she took in the surroundings. This time the house looked rundown. With wallpaper coming apart and leaks.

As she was thinking, all of a sudden Sullyoon heard a voice, probably her so-called mother, calling her for breakfast.

As she exits the room, she sees a boy with bruises and women insulting them, wondering why they took so long. She seemed to be in a grumpy mood. So Sullyoon cautiously sat down. The house seemed similar to the first and second transmigrations, but it looked more abandoned this time. Probably not lived in for years, which made her come to the simple conclusion that it was years after the original owners.

She also came to the conclusion that the boy was probably her brother. She gave a sympathy smile. She hoped this time she could make a change and help the kids out.

Maybe it would help make her feel like she has meaning and is not so lonely. Desperately wishing it was a dream, wondering why her? Why is she in this situation? Does anyone miss her?. Is her family okay?

Once she started thinking about her past, she couldn't stop.

After breakfast and walking to school, she told her brother Childe about the situation. I am hoping to get more information.

Apparently they're drinking. The father got into an argument with the mother and had enough, so he took off with his lover. Afterwards, she blamed the kids, saying she used to be popular in school and all the guys wanted her, but now she has ruined her life.

It sounds like she just wanted an excuse to take it out on someone. Whenever we don't do what she says, she hits us on the arm. She even makes us steal.

What a petty thief!

At school, it seems she doesn't have any friends, and no one talks to her. Just ignores her or pretends she doesn't exist.

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