Chapter 4.

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AS WE ENTERED, enemies showed up but I  helped Leon cleared them, he put a crank on a stand and a staircase came down. "All right, awesome!" Ashley says as we walked upstairs. "We're not out of the woods yet." Leon said and we made our way outside. "Looks like the right place." Leon said, we then heard Ashley grunt in pain and turned to look at her. "Ashley are you okay?" I asked as I got close to her, "I think so. Uh—" She said as she fell to the ground, I grabbed her in time and Leon was behind me. "Instead of worrying about her..worry about your own skin!" Ashley said as she grabbed my knife. "Foolish little lamb." She says as she sliced my shoulder open. Leon pulled me back and stood infront of me, "Temperance, child!" She says as she put the knife on her neck. "Ashley!" Leon says, "Ashley please!" I yelled, she started to walk back and the gates closed.

She dropped the knife and looked at me, "I—No..I'm so sorry!" She cried and ran, "Wait!" Leon yelled but it was to late, he then turned to me. "Your bleeding." "Yeah, that's what happens when you get sliced opened." I said and he rolled his eyes. He grabbed a bandage roll, I was staring at him, "You know, you didn't have to do this." I said as he cleaned my cut. "You saved me, helped me, and we're partners now." He says as he started to bandage me up. "Partners? Thought you disliked me?" I teased and he scoffed but had a small smirk. "You know what I mean, are you okay now?" He asks, "Yeah, Thanks. Now back to Ashley." I said and he nods.

"Roost, come in! Things went to shit, we took refuge inside a castle but I've just been separated from Baby Eagle." "Say—— ding you." "Roost? Your breaking up. Do you read me?" "—dor One!—in.—Chopper." "Damn it. So much for that." Leon says and I walked next to him. Leon was quiet most of the time and I glanced at him. "We will get her you know." I softly said and he looked at me. "Yeah..just don't want anything bad to happen to her." "Nothing bad will happen to her, Leon." I said as I grabbed his hand, we both stayed quiet and I realized what I did. "Sorry.." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed and he looked the other way. "It's fine..thanks for that." "For what? The hand or?" I asked in teasing way. "The talk." Leon said fast and I smiled. "Your welcome white boy." "I hate you."

We made our way towards a room, "You both can stop right there." A voice said, "Ada?" I said as I turned around. "Ada. Well after six years, that is one hell of a greeting." Leon says. "What can I say..and Y/N, please to see you and him working together." She turned to me, "Yeah, we ran into eachother. Many times." I said and she looked at Leon. "Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what. You walk away now hand who knows? Maybe you'll live to meet me again." "You think I'm gonna give up that easy?" Leon says, "Right, how about we continue this conversation another time? I'll be seeing you Y/N." She says as she left.

"How do you know Ada." Leon asked me, "Umbrella. I should be asking you, you both seem to have a big past. There was definitely tension.." I said, "She's nothing important." He sternly said, "Sure didn't look like it." "She's nothing important!" He yelled as he was close to my face, I was startled. "Right." I said as and looked at a door which had book shapes. "Find 3 books." I said not making eye contact and went to find them. I found 1 of them and placed it down, Leon then placed the last 2 and the door opened. We walked in and Leon grabbed my arm, I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." He said, "I shouldn't have pushed it further." "It's not your fault Y/N. I'm just..sorry for being mad at you." He says and I smiled. "It's okay, white boy." "Leon." "Let's hurry, white boy." I said and we kept walking.

I opened the door and we were now outside, there was a laugh heard from the intercom and we both sighed. "Oh..dear Mr.Kennedy, you appear to have loose one of your companions." Ramón said, "She said meeting you once was enough." Leon said, "How convenient as I was growing tired of the moderate touch. Let us play this game of ours in true Salazar fashion." Ramón said and Leon shot the crank which made the gate come down. Which revealed more enemies, "They just keep coming.." I sighed, "And they won't stop, let's go." Leon said and we walked across the bridge killing the enemies.

We walked upstairs of a pilar and a big monster came out. "Holy shit." I said, "These things are starting to become a pain in my ass." Leon said, the monster started to throw rocks at us, me and Leon hid. "Over there." I said as I pointed at another pilar which had a canon. "A We better get going then." He said and I nod. We made our way towards the pilar, Leon controlled the canyon while I killed any enemies who were coming. I heard a loud crash and saw that Leon killed the monster, "Alright he's dead, I made us an entry." He said and we made our way towards the gate. I walked first across then bridge, followed by Leon when something came up from the bridge, it was the monster. "Leon!" I yelled, "Stay there!" He yelled back and jumped on top of the monster and made it across. I pulled him up and we both saw the monster go down.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I checked him, "I'm okay, are you?" He asked and I nod. "Good, we should get going." "Lead the way, white boy." "You are such a headache."

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