Chapter 1.

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"I officially hate snakes." I said as I reloaded my gun, " least we go it." Piers says as we kept walking. "But no Ada yet. I'm not gonna rest until we have her head on a stick." Chris says, "I'm still here you know. Maybe there's another way." I say, "Sorry not sorry." He says as he kicked open a door. I sigh and we all went in with our guns out. "This is crazy! It's not safe in here. We need to pull out!" Piers yells, "Captain!" He continued but was interrupted when Marco groaned in pain. "Looking for me, boys?" Ada said as she was sitting near the window. "Ada?" I said, "Y/N." She smirked at me and then looked at the guys, "Welcome to China." She said and jumped off. We focused our intention on Marco who was know in flames and turned into a cocoon. I aimed my gun at him and Chris stopped me. "Wait!" He yelled, "We have to kill him before something comes out." I say. "We have no choice. He'd do the same for us." Piers says and an insect came out. "Jeez thanks Chris." I sarcastically say. "You are really testing my patience, Y/N." He says as he started to shoot the insect. "You've been." I mumbled and we killed the insect.

Chris went towards Marco's crumbled body, he punched the ground and grabbed Marco's bomb. We waited at the door and Chris placed the bomb. It exploded the door open and we entered as we walked Chris punched a wall. "Chris, we need to stay calm." Piers says. "After what she's done to us? How many of our men are dead because of that bitch!" Chris yells. "I'm right there with you Captain but your personal vendetta isn't gonna get us anywhere. If you hadn't been blinded by vengeance, we could have prevented some of those deaths." Piers say and I was just looking in oohs. "Shut up." Chris says as he started to walk away. "Do you even care about our mission anymore?" "Shut up!" "I feel sorry for all the men that died believing in you." Piers says and Chris grabbed him and pulled him into a wall. "I dont think this is necessary. Maybe we should-" I got cut off by Chris. "Maybe you should stay quiet!" Chris yelled and Piers pushed him back. "What happened to the legendary Chris Redfield, huh? What happened to you! It's a good thing Finn's not around to see you this way." Piers says, "Ooh...damn." I mumbled. They both looked at each other,Chris pushed Piers and i went towards him. "I'm going after Ada." He says as he started to walk away. "HQ. This is Alpha Leader. I need a location on Ada Wong." He continues. "I'm going with you. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you whether you want them to or not." Piers says and Chris continue to walk.

"Sorry, about Ada and having to see that." Piers turns to me. "I dont know whether to hate him even more or feel sorry." I say and he slightly smiled. "Maybe feel sorry. We should get going." He said and we followed Chris outside. "You wanna follow me around. Fine. Just make sure you stay out of my way. Especially you." Chris says as he looked at me. "You know Ada's toying with you. How about you man up and be an actual Captain." I say and he glared at me. "Y/N. Don't play with me, you are lucky that you can be useful. I'm not stupid enough to fall for her bullshit." He went down, "Yeah I don't feel sorry." I say and Piers sighs, "I thought so." We both went down. "Ada!" Chris yells and from a far Ada was in a jet ski. "The plans working Y/N! Good work!" She yells and I stood there confused. "What is she talking about? Are you in this?!" Chris yells as he grabbed me. "I don't know what the fuck she's talking about." I yell back and Piers stopped him. "Captain! Get a hold of yourself. That helo's about to open on us!" Piers yells as a helicopter stopped infront of us, it then flew behind us and started to shoot.

"Run!" Chris yells, we jumped boat to boat and ran from the helicopter. We made it to a cruise, "We need to shoot down that helicopter!" Chris yells. "Copy that." Piers says and we started to shoot the helicopter down. It slowly started to catch on fire and we jumped off the cruise. The cruise started to catch on fire and blow up. "That's that. You tell us what the hell is going on!" Chris says as he started to walk towards me, "Captain! You should calm down." Piers said as he stood in front of me. "She was involved! What if this was their plan!" He yelled back. "Was i there when your men died? No. You came to find me, can't you see I'm also shock!" I yell back and stood infront of him. "I'm sick and tired of you acting like this, I don't know you but the way you've been disrespecting Piers, going out of control has gotten tiring. Ada is toying with you, your anger has gotten people killed. Are you even a Captain?" I asked him , "Y/N, I think-" I cut Piers off. "Being a Captain means people follow you, trust you but because of your vengeance you have led people to die. I'm sorry that you lost your men, I'll help you get to Ada but you need to grow up." I said and Chris looked at me. "And you will lead me to Leon." I continued. He glared at me but relaxed "I'll lead you to Leon." He says and I showed a small smile. "Now don't be such a dick." I said and Piers stood there confused.

"There's a warehouse over there, she'll most likely stay there." I said and they followed me. "What's with you and Leon?" Chris asked. "...i was on a mission with my partner, we got separated and along the way I met Leon." "I don't need a whole story." Chris cuts me off. "Captain!" Piers says and Chris sighs. "Right...continue." He said. "He was also on a mission to find a girl. We worked together and helped each other. I was captured and was experimented on, my body matched with a virus. I was going to be used as a weapon. Leon rescued me but because of the virus inside me, it was still killing me slowly. That's where Ada comes in, she helped killed the virus. She helped me a lot." I said and they both looked at me. "Wow...that's a lot." Piers says. "Did the virus cause you to have any special abilities?" Chris asked. "Uhm well if I get shot, the bullets would fly out my body but it still hurts. I might be "immune" but i can still die. My body can only take a little. I'm immune to other viruses but again I can't get cocky." I say. "How?" "Like I said, i was experimented on by a creepy 'Lord' who had a lot of power." I said and stopped walking. "We're here." I said and we went inside.

"Ada!" Chris yelled and started to shoot at Ada, she used her hookshot to get away. "You can't run forever." Chris says and we entered a room. "Get to the elevator! We're not alone in here." Chris yells and we started to run. "Glad you could stop in. Like what I've done with the place?"Ada said and lasers started to form. "I can do this, just don't get touched!" I said. "What are you going to do?" Chris asked. "I can disable them!" I said and went through a laser, i started to destroy the small pilars which disabled the lasers. "Not bad." Chris says and i smiled. We then ran into the elevator and got in. "Thanks for that back there." Piers says, "Yeah." Chris says and i smiled. "Your welcome." and the elevator door opened. We walked into a room, "What the hell is all this?" Piers asked. "Keep your eyes peeled. Who knows what this bitch has in store." Chris says and we looked around.

Engaging locks. Testing for prototypes.
"Ada!" Chris yelled and little machines started to come out. "We've been conducting such fascinating work here. Why don't you have some fun with one of the new prototypes?" Ada says and Chris opened a machine. "Y/N! Can you disable these?" Chris asked. "Yeah! Just keep those things away." I say and he nods. I started to disable the machine and the doors opened.
"Alright let's move, there's no time to waste!" Chris says, "Someone doesn't want us to catch Ada. She might not be working alone." He continues and we walked out of the room. "Ada! Don't loose her!" Chris yells and we all started to chase after her. She threw a smoke bomb and used her hookshot to go to the other way. We ran towards her, "There she is! Piers go over there, Y/N with me!" Chris yells and we cornered Ada.

"Ada...what happened to you?" I said and she smiled at me. "Good work Y/N! You manipulated them to trust you, our plan is really working." She says. "Is this true?" Chris asked and i looked at him. "Chris. I've been helping you!" I said and Ada pulled me towards her. "She's been using you. She's working with me." Ada says. "Ada? What's going on with you. We separated months ago-" Chris aimed his gun at me. "Captain! Wait!" Piers says. "Chris...i didn't know anything!" I yelled and Chris put his finger to the trigger. Someone pushed the gun away from him and started to fight Chris, they dodge Chris attacks while Chris dodges their defenses. Then they both aimed their guns at each other. "Chris!" They said, "Leon..?" Chris says and my heart stopped. "Put your gun down, Chris." Leon says and they started to argue. "Oh Y/N, thank you for this distraction." Ada whispers in my ear and injected me with something.

"Y/N!" Piers yells and Ada ran away. I fell to the ground and grabbed my neck. "Y/N!" Chris yells, "Y/N?" Leon says and Piers ran to me. "I' okay.." i said as I winced. "I'm sorry Y/N." Chris says. "Shut up and be a captain. Get Ada. I'll be okay." I said and he nods at Piers. "Thank you Y/N." He says, "You led me to Leon, so thank you. Don't be a dick anymore." I said, he smirked and they both chase after her. "Y/N.. oh god." Leon ran towards me, "Leon.." i softly said and hugged him. He hugged back and then stopped, "Are you sure your okay? We need to get you help!" Leon says and i stopped him. "I'm okay,I'll be okay. It just hurts." I said and he picked me up. "I missed you." He softly said and i kissed him. "I missed you too, white boy." I smiled and he kissed me back.

"So this is your girlfriend?" A lady said and I looked at Leon with a smile and he looked the other way. "Yes I'm his girlfriend and you are?" I asked. "Helena Harper." she says as she held her hand out, "Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." I shook her hand and she smiled at me. "So what is your mission?" I asked them, "To take down a guy named Simmons." she says, "Why were you with Chris?" Leon asked. "They looked for me, wanted information on Ada. I told them I'd help if they led me to you and look at us now." I said and he smiled. "Im glad your here, are you up for another mission?" he asked and I smiled. "Why not, lets go find this Simmons guy."

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