Chapter - 8 - Hang out

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Storm in her eyes, peace in her smile

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Storm in her eyes, peace in her smile

- Ventum

April 12

"You should get some fresh air once in a while." Jeno hasn't left the house since the day he arrived. He once went to get his clothes and came back as soon as he could. The dream house was only twenty minutes from Hana's house.

"Do you have any plan to leave?" She totally ignored his question by trying to cook something.
"Why do you want me to leave? You have the best brother in the whole world. Who else would take care of you the way I do?" He wondered as he sat on the kitchen counter by her side.

"Then why do I feel like I'm the one who is taking care of you?" She pointed the spatula right at his face. As a matter of fact, he really took care of her. Even though since she was 10 they haven't spent much time together, it wasn't awkward at all. He spent time with her talking, playing, cooking and many other things. He even took care of the company's affairs via phone calls. She never wanted him to do this but she was grateful.

"Okay, I will leave if you spend timewith me today, not in this house outside." He poked her dragging her attention from the eggs she was cooking.

"Okay." She said without much expression on her face. She placed the egg on a plate and laid it on his hand, waving at him to eat it.
"Then prepare yourselves after breakfast." He said eating the toast and the egg.


"Jeno's been spending so much time with Hana lately. I hope she's all right." Jisung stopped the video and watched Renjun who was busy drawing on his iPad. Jaemin was on the computer retouching photographs he took earlier.

"Yes, I heard he didn't even show up for the company meeting. Something's is off." Renjun put his pencil on the desk and turned to Jisung.
"Did you text Hana?"
"No, what should I text her? When I have no idea what's going on." Renjun was tapping on the table unconsciously.

"Has he told you something, Jaemin?"
"Why would he say something to me, Jisung?" Perhaps he doesn't want us to know or she doesn't want us to know. It is not like we are close to her." Jaemin said his eyes were still glued to the computer while his fingers were busy with retouching.
"He's right." Renjun turned his attention back to his iPad.

"Jaemin why are you not going to the company? it's been a few days now." Renjun asked.
"There isn't much to deal with anyway. Manager Choi is taking care of it." He has been spending his time alone since the party. He doesn't even know why. Renjun hummed softly to his response.
Jaemin suddenly shut down the editing app and left the room.

He basically left the house. He was driving his car with a lot of questions in his mind. It was stifling him, he usually spends his time going to meetings and the rest of the time in his room. It's been bothering him too much.

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