Chapter - 20 - Love

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With the whole world crumbling, we picked this time to fall in love

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With the whole world crumbling, we picked this time to fall in love.

- Casablanca

May 17

"What if she says no?" He howls totally nervous. Hana shakes her head as she drinks water cleansing her palette. She heard that same phrase for the hundredth time since the morning.

"Mark, even if you ask her to marry you, I'm sure she'll tell you okay thousand times with a lot of excitement."
"Okay, that's comforting and what's he doing here?" Mark points to the guy who cleans the dishes.

"I called him, We can't do everything alone, you know." She gives him a light shrug.
"I still cannot digest the fact that you died your hair pink." Jaemin turns and stares at his hair. Mark accidentally touches his hair to his words.

"She likes pink."
"But, she never said she likes your hair pink."
"Jaemin don't degrade him." Hana sents a glare in which Jaemin immediately shuts his mouth.

"Mark you look really good with pink hair and now it's time for you to leave." She added.

"Aren't you guys coming with me?"
"No, you know she could be shy when she sees us. It's better if we're not around. All the best." Hana shows him a thumbs up with a wide smile.
"I'm sure you will do good." Jaemin says making Mark smile.

Mark wears his coat to leave, Hana follows him asking questions.
"Took the ring right?" He nods.
"Make sure you buy flowers. Don't get nervous while you sing. She's definitely going to agree."
"Hana, now I feel like you're the one who's nervous." He patts her head.

"Right?" She clenches her jaw, nodding a little.
"I will take care of her, you go, don't be late."
"Bye." He leaves

Hana feels Jaemin's hand on her sides. She couldn't see his face, but she could feel his body pressed against her. She rested her head on his shoulder as he hugged her midriffs. Her hands resting above his. She wasn't hugged like this by anyone, it was a weird feeling, but a beautiful weird feeling. She sensed his lips above her ears.

"Why are you nervous?"
"I don't know, Maybe because I gave him the idea."
"Its the best idea, babe." Hana's face and ears got flushed because of the nickname. Hana loosens his grip and turns towards him.

"Are we gonna tell them? I can't even imagine how Jeno would react." Jaemin moves her hair, which frames her face.
"We can tell them when you're ready. Stop stressing about everything." He gave her a small nod, making her smile. Perhaps her life isn't as bad as she thought.

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