Chapter - 30 - Conundrum

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I was never really insane except on occasions where my heart was touched

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I was never really insane except on occasions where my heart was touched.

- Edgar Allan Poe


Many things have changed over the past year.

Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin has properly taken over the company. Now, all they do is work, all they wear is suits. They don't even have time to play games.

Another happy news, Chenle has taken over the company, he is doing a really good job. He likes the job, which really matters. That means Ara spends her time to learn about makeup. She is finally going to be a makeup artist. Now, she has a shop, she is still trying to improve. Mark is always right next to her to support her.

Renjun joined an art academy and decided to enhance his drawing skills. Everybody told him, he doesn't even need an academy, he's already a great artist. But he said he was going to be professional. Hana's bedroom and home are packed with paintings. She breathes only the scent of paint, thanks to Renjun.

Mark and Haechan also acquired the business. They also began a YouTube channel where Mark plays the guitar and Haechan sings. At first everyone thought it was going to fail, but they're really popular now. People have even started to recognize them.

Jisung decided to follow his dream. Who's concerned about the company. He joined a dance academy. He is popular among the girls now. He really has a great talent for popping. He doesn't even need a dance lesson.

Rex and Woo Jin have opened a coffee shop. According to Hana they sell the best macaroons there. Free milk tea is the main reason why she is truly happy. Now both of them started smiling with all their hearts.

And about our girl Hana she finally finished the book with a proper ending. It's on the sale now.


Hana finally had the guts to visit her beloved who she lost early. Jaemin accompanied her. They had many flowers in their hands. Hana's mom and Jaemin's mom were near.

"Mom, Aunt look who's here today." Jaemin said after placing the flower above.
"Mom, Aunt, I'm sorry I didn't visit you guys early." Hana bowed to them.

"We are happy now, so you both can stop worrying and one more thing we are dating." Jaemin pulled her into him. She smiled and nodded.

"I miss you both." Hana muttered.

Jaemin took off after placing the flower so Hana could talk to Nari.

"Nari, I miss you so much. Everyone misses you, sometimes Haechan still shouts your name during games. Renjun really misses you a lot. When I look at him, it seems like you're still here. He is secretly drawing all your photos now, he thinks I don't know. Ara has opened a shop now, she says that you would have jumped in the air if you were here. Ara and Mark are being all lovey-dovey, I wish you were here to see all these atrocities. And me and Jaemin are dating. Don't tease me okay, and one more thing Nari, we succeed in our mission. I love you idiot." Tears escaped Hana's eyes. She walked out of the churchyard after visiting Haechan's sister.


March 23

"Happy Birthday Lee Hana and Hwang Renjun." The moment they opened the door to Dream house, they heard the different versions of Happy birthday and party popper sounds. The whole hall was decorated with ribbons, writings and their photos. Balloons weren't present because they know how much Hana hated them.

She smiled and walked towards Jaemin, who had a cake with both their faces on it.

"Wish." Haechan shouted.
"2 wishes for you Hana. This is both a birthday and a congratulations cake." Mark said.
She brought her hands together and closed her eyes. Both blew the cake at the same time, claps and cheers filled the room.

Hana asked Renjun to pick her up from the publishing company because Jaemin is busy and her car is on repair. Only Renjun was available. But, she didn't expect it to be a plan. Even Renjun was surprised because he was busy painting all the time.
Hana was too busy with her books promotions so she forgot about birthday. It not like she celebrated it every year. This year was really a happy year. After years she got to celebrate her birthday with Renjun again.


"No, fucking way." She shouted looking at the building all covered with books. She grazed it and ran towards him to hug him. She parted from him and grabbed his face with her tiny hands and pulled him into a kiss.

"It's all for you, your own little private library. You can spend your time here all the time. You can even write your novels here." He said pulling her closer.
"It's not a small library babe." He giggled.

"You are spending all your money on me. You are going to go bankrupt." She poked his head.
"You never allowed me to spend on anything. You always say I'm independent, I know how to take care of myself, I don't need a prince." He immitated her.

"So, I prepared this. Your birthday surprise."
"I love it Jaemin. You are awesome." She pinched his cheeks.
"Maybe I needed a Peter Pan, not a prince."

"Here I'm."
"You're not."
"The differences are I fell in love with Tinkerbell and I'm not afraid to grow, I have some money too."

"Are you calling me short? I still have my moves." He placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow.

"And I have a single weapon to stop all your moves." He said smirking.
"I want to wipe that smirk off your face. What is the weapon?"

He pushed her lightly towards the shelf and kissed her nose. "You can, princess." He lips melted into hers, he could sense her smiling against his lips, making him smile. His hands snakes across her jawline, pulling her into him closer. Their lips moving side by side at perfect speed and perfect combination of tenacity. It's been years and they're still addicted to each other.


It was fun surrounded by the people you love and care about.

"Why did you name your book Conundrum?" Mark questioned grazing the book Hana gave him.

"What is Conundrum?" Jisung asked.
Everybody was watching her, they really seemed to want the reason behind.

"Conundrum means a confusing and difficult problem. According to me, our life is the biggest conundrum. We actually completed many confusing and difficult problems in our life. It was really tough but it wasn't impossible. We still have many more confusing and difficult problems ahead in our life but I'm sure we will all solve it, it doesn't matter how confusing and hard the problem is. If we have the will power we can definitely solve it. It's the same for everyone in this world. It's a book about our life."

She looked at the boys who stared at the her. Maybe they didn't get it, she thought. But claps erupted from everywhere.

"You really are an author Lee Hana." Haechan said making everyone laugh.


The End

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The End.

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