Chapter 28

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Sonic and shadow stood outside the door of the commanders office ready for hell "remember what i said" shadow growled as a warning he was now completely serious, no more joking around from here on out "i know shads this is the thousandth time you've said it" sonic groaned shadow grumbled and knocked on the door

"come in" said the person on the other side shadow pushed the door open nudging sonic in the arm to walk in first sonic mumbled under his breath before going inside, shadow stood close beside sonic hoping his boss wouldn't notice the fact sonic and his pinkies wrapped around each other it would be too obvious if they were actually holding hands

"Agent shadow, nice of you to finally show up to work" the commander said with a hint of annoyance laced in his voice, sonic kept silent as he was told, the commander glared at him not even even earning a huff or an eye roll from the ebony hedgehog "its a nice surprise to see that agent shadow brought the hero of möbius along with him" the commander said glancing over to shadow to were he still didn't get a response just a pair of blank stares so he just decided to cut the small talk and get to the point "outside Möbius there will be a party held tonight in celebration of a wealthy families step daughter getting married" the commander said "there is a rumor going around that someone plans to blow up the mansion of this wealthy family" the human slides a document folder on his desk

Shadow nudges sonic to go grab it; gloved hands picked up the document and opened it instead having shadow and his shoulders touch, the first thing sonic saw was a picture of six people in a group photo standing in front of a huge mansion with a limousine out front he guessed the humans in the picture were all family a mother, father, the daughter, baby, and a grandmother but the last person wasn't human like everyone else they were a Möbian a tidy looking male albino badger to be exact. he wore nice clothes and smiled big with the humans.

Sonic continued to look in the file it showed the address, personal info, a lay out of the home, people that are invited to the party, and etcetera just lots of info you name it and it was in this file but isn't this overdoing it a bit the papers inside made it almost two inches thick, theres even their search history-...

Sonics eyes widened in shock and his mouth went agape good thing the other two people in the room didn't see his reaction sonic closed the file seeing more than what was necessary

"Agent shadow id like you to leave right away, you will go undercover and figure out what's happening on the inside"

Sonic nodded understanding the mission, seemed simple enough?

"I expect perfect results from you agent shadow. you're dismissed"

And with that sonic and shadow were free to finally leave that office after what felt like forever sonic sighed and glanced over at shadow who had his arms crossed tapping his finger on his arm annoyed "whats up shads?" Sonic asked as shadow started walking "I'm getting sick of his bullshit." Shadow muttered "then why not just quit?" Shadow sighed "its not that simple faker" shadow massaged his head gripping sonics hand tight

"Lets just get the mission done as soon as possible"



The sound of a helicopter lifting up in the air was heard from the top of the GUN building and with that they were off. An hour later sonic and shadow were dropped off at a nearby cabin that was two miles away from the mansion but that wasn't a problem, before they were both sent on the helicopter they were given each a large briefcase they hauled the cases inside the cabin it was only going to be used today but wow did it look fancy!

Sonic collapsed on a velvet couch completely  discarding the suitcase on the floor, after just sitting in the chair on the helicopter for merely twenty minutes he had already gotten tired of it lucky for him he would no longer have to. Sonic lifted his head leaning it on his palm to look to see what shadow was doing, sonic saw him sit on the edge of the couch placing the suitcase he received onto his lap and open it up were he found a neatly placed white tuxedo inside with a silver watch and white Buck shoes lying next to it sonic whistled impressed "wow GUN has good taste" shadow nodded he hated that place but he couldn't disagree for once he didn't mind admitting sonic was right.

Sonic sat up getting a closer look at the suitcases content's  he picked up the watch and examined it until he came to a realization shadow looked at him confused "i think this watch is worth more than my house?" Shadow rolled his eyes he "didn't" find sonics remark very amusing "were does GUN even get the money to buy things like this so casually??" Shadow took back the watch and put it inside the case shutting it "that doesn't matter just make sure you're prepared for what might happen" "pff I'm not worried about that, plus we only have to stay for six hours to see if anything is suspicious or if it was just a false rumor" sonic said "and its still morning we have to leave at seven thirty anyways so why not relax a bit?" Sonic patted a spot beside him

Shadow narrowed his eyes unsure but relaxing for a few minutes wouldn't hurt? Shadow ended up giving in and places the suitcase on the ground relocating right next to sonic but he still seemed a bit stiff.

Sonic shrugged his shoulders and rested his head on the blue lap it was more comfortable than he thought, shadow sat still as a rock unmoving, after a few minutes of trying to figure out what to do he started to slouch as he ran his hand across dark quills already able to tell it would be a long day..

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