Chapter 11 - 20

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ʚChapter 11

    "Chuchu, after the three-school joint test in a week's time, we won't see each other for a year." After

    tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, Zhao Yuxin finally couldn't help but look at the wall with some regret.

    Yu Chu, who was looking up the information, paused, and she raised her head, "What?" "

    Out of the more than 10,000 individual students in the second grade, only 100 are selected to be sent to Mocha Planet, which is equivalent to the top 30 talents in each school. With this qualification," Zhao Yuxin sat up, "Sasha and I hovered around the 60s and 70s in every test last year, and this joint test will not be so lucky that we can break into the top 30 all at once.

    " There is no doubt that your strength can win the first place, so..."

    Yu Chu was silent when he heard this.

    After a year of getting along, the relationship between her, Zhao Yuxin and Yisha has become so good that she can piss off a car devil at the same time. Although they usually like to rub her oil and like to make troubles, they are "best roommates" The five words are well deserved.

    But now...

    "I actually thought about this when I first met you." Yu Chu turned off his optical brain.

    It's just that at that time, I felt that the time was still long, so I didn't think about it and didn't want to think about it.

    She was destined to be different from them from the very beginning, and also different from other classmates, whether it was Yu Chu who just wanted to get a diploma before school started, or Yu Chu who is now a fake S-level mental power, they are destined to be different in the end. on the same road.

    And everyone has become a complete individual since the generation of their own independent consciousness, they will have their own ideas, and they will all have the ability to choose their own ideas.

    Just like at the beginning, I obviously wanted to enter the old life in advance after getting the graduation certificate, but now I am getting more and more sideways on the road of struggle.

    No wonder I was too impatient when I was choosing courses and only paid attention to the number of courses in the professional schedule, but I didn't expect that the main content of individual soldiers was not to attend classes but to train. And when he found out, it was too late, and he had to expose part of his spiritual power because the second-generation mecha showed his flaws...


    Yu Chu sighed.

    Now she is a grasshopper tied to a rope with Bai Xingxing, eating other people's food and using other people's food, there is nothing wrong with getting a good grade in the military exam in return.

    Just work hard for another two years, and continue working after the military exam.

    So she looked up.

    "Actually, it's okay if I don't go, anyway..."

    Zhao Yuxin leaped over and covered her mouth directly.

    She has a serious face: "Although I know that you love us so much at Chuchu, you must not make fun of your own future." "You want to bring glory to our

    Hill Academy and even the White Star, and you can't be in such a danger thoughts."

    Zhao Yuxin wiped his neck.

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