Chapter 61 - 70

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ʚChapter 61 Statue

    The melee in the semi-finals was quite fierce, especially after the purple mecha came over, the battle became even more intense.

    In the cab, there was someone sitting on Yu Chu's lap, but it didn't affect her control of the mecha in the slightest. She should be beaten or beaten hard, without mercy. On the other hand, Luo Qi's ears were red, and he buried his head on her neck and held her motionless, deceiving himself like a silly ostrich.

    On the other side, he finally met the only person who had defeated him in the military examination again, and Yu You's emotions reached the point of excitement.

    He made his moves fiercely and decisively, without dragging his feet in the slightest. With that posture, those who didn't know thought he had some deep hatred with Yu Chu. But in fact, as long as you watched the previous preliminaries, you would know that this is actually just his usual way of dealing with opponents.

    Of course Yu Chu also knew, and because of the previous military examination, even though she hadn't met the opponent in the preliminary round due to the problem of system selection, she still had a general understanding of the characteristics of the opponent's moves.

    It's just that in the melee, the two parties can't just fight with each other completely, and there will be idlers intervening beside them, which makes Yu You, who has always wanted to fight Yu Chu alone, a little impatient.

    Looking back at Yu Chu, those who should be eliminated are eliminated, and she no longer has such a big desire. Anyway, as long as she sees people who are not students of Emperor Star, she will kill them indiscriminately, which makes her feel peaceful and even a little leisurely.

    The scuffle on the field was still going on, the students had different thoughts, and outside the field, the optical brain in the hands of a man in a military uniform with a badge symbolizing his identity on his shoulder was displaying all of Yu Chu's personal information.

    "Let the people in the inspection department check carefully. If there is no problem with Yu Chu's identity, then add her name to the follow-up list." "

    But the deputy commander, her linker... is different from the previous one. This case is related, so?" The subordinate next to him hesitated softly.

    The man turned off the optical brain, looked at the dark blue mecha in the light curtain that was surrounded by people but seemed to be uninhabited, and said in a solemn tone, "There are tens of thousands of spiritual awakeners in the empire, just replace him." "


    The melee that lasted for four hours finally came to an end, and there were only a dozen or so people left in the final semi-finals, and among them, the people from Guangdi Star still accounted for more than a dozen people. half.

    When more than a dozen people from Yu Chu came out of the arena, people from the logistics team of his own military academy rushed up to deliver water and squeeze shoulders. Luo Qi lowered his head and was pulled by Yu Chu, the light pink on the tips of his ears hadn't completely faded.

    "The finals will not be matched until the end of the freshman league, so you can take this opportunity to take a good rest these days, but if you are a student who still has a team competition to participate in, then you may still have to work harder to prepare these days The competition..."

    The head instructor in charge of the logistics of the competition stood in front and explained to everyone the attention and arrangement of the follow-up schedule. Zhao Heting listened, but unconsciously turned his gaze to Yu Chu in the front right.

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