Chapter 41 - 50

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ʚChapter 41

    At the beginning of the game, our side lost a main striker, and at this time the energy ball has not yet come out, so there is no way to revive it. On the other side, Fei Feibai and the others took advantage of this opportunity to press over directly in a team. The captain of the red team looked sour. He issued an order for the team members to fight, and at the same time reminded everyone to be careful of the snipers on the opposite side.

    The vanguard teams of both sides face each other, and the machine gunners cover them behind.

    At this time, Yu Chu was lying motionless behind a group of team members, with the damp soil under his body, surrounded by lush green grass and big trees, and beside his ears were mosquitoes and flies flapping their wings. noise.

    Although it is a virtual scene, the reality of the arena has reached a 1:1 complete simulation of the intercepted real area.

    The first energy ball on the field had randomly appeared in the opposite red side's conquest field. As soon as the white light appeared, a group of people rushed over to fight for it as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. There are three snipers in each camp. Seeing this scene, the other two snipers of their own team quickly turned their guns, and their scopes followed the white ball of light all the time.

    Only Yu Chuyi remained motionless.

    She lay quietly on the spot, in front of him, Fei Feibai and the others were fighting endlessly with the people opposite. During the period, the snipers of the two sides shot and killed the players of the opposing team who got the energy ball. Chen Xu directly held his whip and blocked the rear, but Yu Chu still observed the battle situation on the field and did not make any moves.

    Until the energy ball fell into the hands of the members of the red team again, Yu Chu looked at Jing Shao who gave the order to the team to cover his teammates to leave, she pointed the gun at his head through the scope, and then pulled the trigger .


    "Fuck! Get rid of that sniper!" The life lamp on Jing Shao's chest went out, and he was teleported back to the base after only leaving such a sentence.

    After Yu Chu manually reloaded the gun again, the next shot only had time to hit the right leg of the fleeing team member holding the energy ball at the red side. There was a burst of 'da da da' shots, and she quickly rolled behind the nearest tree trunk holding the gun.

    The original position was shot by the opponent's sniper and machine gunner at the same time, but if Yu Chu reacted a little slower, she would already have a spot in the dead army.

    But her hands and face were still scratched, but it didn't affect the follow-up actions too much.

    She leaned against the tree with her back for a while, then bent down again, holding the gun, and moved to other hidden places.

    As a sniper, what she has to do is not to shoot blindly to take heads, but to deal with the threatening central commander or team members while protecting her hidden position.

    Obviously, after the 'death' of Jing Shao on the opposite side, the energy ball was snatched away by Fei Feibai and the others, and the players in the red camp began to have a short period of confusion. Although the chaos was quelled by themselves not long after, it gave Fei Feibai and the others a chance to take the second energy ball after successfully taking the first energy ball.

    The members of one's own camp were able to be resurrected first, so the red side was overwhelmed in terms of numbers.

    Half an hour had passed since the game, and finally, under the cover of the three snipers and the remaining machine gunners from the red team, they managed to send an energy ball back to the base. The dead teammates were finally able to be resurrected, and the numbers were finally even, so the one-sided battle situation became stalemate again.

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