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Today was me and Matt’s half-year anniversary, I ignored the headache pounding on both sides of my temples and picked out the best wines in the stores. I went out of budget but it was totally worth it, he was my whole existence.

Considering how sour my previous relationships were, this was a beautiful change. Matt was perfect in his little way and I couldn’t be more content.

Today, we would spend the day in each other’s company and at night in each other arms.

We were so much in love with one another, more like the envy of my whole housing complex, it was a perfect one, I expected a little hate, especially from my neighbour, Anastasia who doesn’t miss any opportunity to mock my horrible dating history and justify it befitting for me as well.

Sometimes I do wonder what wrong I have done to her to demand such hate on my person.

I was sweet, sweet as an angel can be I have been told.

I haven’t wronged her in any way but hey even the less problematic humans still get hated on.

I pushed my trolley towards the counter in front of the store to check out the things I have bought and pay for them as well. I was planning a surprise anniversary dinner for Matt, he wasn’t aware because it was a surprise. Done with my payment I exited the store and loaded my items in the car before driving to Matt’s home.

I put on the radio bopping my head to the song playing, it was elating to feel this happy, my whole soul was drenched in happiness. Matt being the source of it.

Driving into his driveway I put off my ignition. He wasn’t at home still at work if I am to follow his work schedule which makes it perfect for a dinner surprise.

Gently I unloaded my bags and unlocked the door with a key hidden in the flower vase in front of the porch. I noticed the door was locked from the inside which was impossible except Matt had left through the kitchen door.

Was it perhaps faulty? I wondered. Pushing the door open I brought the items I bought, in, exhausted I dumped them on the kitchen island. Before settling on the stool to catch my breath.

Matt’s home was an average modern home, the kitchen and living room intertwined in a way they were interconnected with each other. At the farther end of the kitchen was a dining room, a polished wooden table stood in the middle surrounded by chairs.

While the living room was made to look quite modern, it had a neutral feel to it, bland to moderately interesting if you look hard enough.

A smart tv was resting on the wall, and small weird shaped couches were thrown in random places in the living room.

I was used to the outlook of his living room, it was moderately tidy, and things were always placed in the same position.

Zero clothes were strewn around but today seems different a blue shirt hanging on the edge of a couch caught my attention, I stood to my feet and strolled calmly to the living room, and I saw a couple of more clothes.

Weird, reaching out for them I held them in my fingers to observe and I noticed one was Matt’s favourite blue shirt, the one I gifted him on his birthday and strangely what looks like a woman’s vest.

I tried not to get ahead of myself with the questions brewing in my head. I picked up the last one and a female skirt.

These weren’t mine, my heart dropped.

My eyes travelled up the stairs in the direction of his room.

A realization occurred in my head, what if Matt was already at home?

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