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I watched as a sever walked towards Marcus his hands holding firm a bucket probably filled with ice and a wine bottle cooling in there. I turned my eyes away from him, enjoying the scenery of the fall, the sound of rushing water slapping hard on the cliff's surface before pouring down to the pool below.  I came here to rinse the beach sand off my body but I was easily distracted. This distraction was worth it though. Something else soon distracted me from my initial distraction and that was the sounds of footsteps sauntering towards me. I glanced sideways and saw the server walking in my direction. I desperately wished he wasn't coming here but I was wrong.He soon stood in front of me, muttering a greeting.

He gestured to the tray with a glass of wine sitting on it."Sir Marcus would like you to join him in a drink?" He offered.Marcus. That's his name. Marcus sounded befitting for his portentous nature.I passed a look at the 'Sir' his eyes beamed mischievously at me as he sipped his glass.

I did wish he was wearing a shirt today, not his bare muscled chest out on display. His thighs and strong limbs were one thing I shouldn't encourage my mind to think of.This drink would be most useful spilt on his thousand-dollar designer shirts.

"Marcus, that's his name?" I asked.

"Everyone knows Mr Marcus. He is the heir of the Rodriguez resorts worldwide. Marcus Rodriguez is his full name.""Poor me, I was quite clueless about his heirloom and his fame." The server found my talk strange but his courteousness remained.

"About this drink,  I am sorry but I don't drink alcohol."

"You don't drink?" Marcus said as he settles beside me, he ignores the brows I raised at him at his sudden presence beside me. Wondering when he came briefly after the server left.

"I had other ideas of what to do with it."

"Like?" He asked curiously.

"You had no shirt on, so my ideas unfortunately were not viable.“ He caught the note of what I meant, his eyes smiling at me. I felt something within me flutter but ignored it. “ And you made it quite known you have wicked intentions? Why should I trust what you offer me?" His expression made it obvious he sensed distrust in my tone, I expected a frown but he was rather amused by it.

"What are you insinuating?" He asks, relaxing on his elbows, and looking at me lazily. I hated how uncomfortable I felt inwardly under his stare, there was interest glimmering in them. His eyes glazed over my bare body, barely covered in a bikini. I felt I should cover up but won't it be too obvious I was conscious of his presence and put meaning into what he might deny as a 'harmless' stare?

And why was he talking to me?  We are enemies, right? Not far-right enemies but we weren't friends. I had a particular distaste in my mouth for him.

"You might have spiked the drink you offered to me and when did we become such good acquittances you had become kind enough to offer me a drink?" He smirked at me, "Spike?"He let out a rich chuckle that seems to have rumbled out of his stomach. It sounded good to my ears, his intense grey orbs filled with little lightness.

"If I am to have you in my bed, I don't need to spike your drink." He said slowly, each word carrying the intensity his eyes currently lack.

"You sound too confident."

"I am. I have zero interest in the women that I fuck around with." He said so bluntly, that my ears could bleed."They readily make themselves available."

I cocked my head at him, my lips tied in hesitation of what I was about to say. "I don't see myself making myself available to you now or in the future, 'sir Marcus."

"You sound too confident."

Feigning a smile at him, "You are my inspiration."

"At least you put in enough interest to know my name. I expect you to rethink soon."

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