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I rested my back more into my seat to feel comfy, the aeroplane seat was a bit sturdy and trying to relax my anxious mind felt impossible. My mind kept reeling back to the events that happened in my life and how they have shaped me. How much my life has changed, for one, prior to catching Matthew with another woman, shamefully my neighbour I would never think a day would come when I would be going on a vacation without him. I was so in love with him, and still is if I take into consideration that a part of me is still deeply in love with him.

There's a part of me that wanted to give him another chance, forgive as he begged me to and forget he completely cheated but my self-dignity was too high to accept such disrespect to our relationship.

I would forget how to love him, forget his dreamy brown eyes covered by his thick circular lenses, his curly hair and his boyish looks.

I would forget everything about us, including his betrayal and the pain it caused my dear heart.

Exhaling the heaviness stuck to my chest, I felt lighter, feeling resolved in my decision to move on.

It would be difficult, gradually but eventually, I will most definitely not recall who Matthew is.


My legs fatigued from sitting for hours dragged on the airport floors, my luggage following behind me. I sighted a cab coming in my direction and hailed it, luckily the driver seemed eager for some passenger, so he stop, his head lowering a bit to peer at me.

His thick Spanish flowed easily from his lips,”¿A dónde se dirige?“ (Where are you headed)

I tried communicating back in my bad Spanish but I halted thankfully I understood Spanish just enough for me to know what was being said. Deciding not to trouble the poor man I handed him a written address of the resort.

One glance at it and he shook his head in negation, “No puedo, los vehículos comerciales no están permitidos dentro de las instalaciones.“

( I can't, commercial vehicles are not allowed within the premises)

It was getting late and there was no visible cab in sight at the moment, I can't let him go.

“It's getting late, sir.“I muttered in English, hoping he understands. He squints his lids at me, his lips pursed slightly Making his moustache pop out a bit.

I continued in my pleading, “por favor, no puedo quedarme varado aquí” (I can't be stranded here, please)

He took a moment to reconsider, it took less time than I thought it would have.

“Alright, Alright. Get in.“ He gestured, speaking in very accented English. A smile sprouted on my face, and a sigh of relief followed.

“I have a daughter,” he said as he tucked my luggages into his trunk, continuing after he got back to his seat.

“And Cancun can be really dangerous for young ladies late at night. I wouldn't want any woman to experience that.“ He speaks English quite well, and since I fared terribly at small talks I hummed at whatever he said, acknowledging him.

“I appreciate your kindness sir,” I added.

He gave a content laugh, confused I asked him why he laughed, nothing seemed funny to me.

“No es mi amabilidad, sino tu tarifa.“

(Not my kindness, but your fare)

“You pay me more to go there and prevent any sad story. You look rich.“ He scanned me briefly through his rare mirror.

A frown appeared on my face, such a shrewd man. I agreed, hoping to be done and over with.

The nightlife of Cancun seemed interesting, I can't help but feel excited at the thought of going to a nightclub here, the Spanish/Mexican music was everything.

The driver drove through a secluded environment, I noticed it seemed different from the other roads we passed, here seemed it a bit more enclosed.

Like a private property of some sort, then it dawned on me. This is the resort.

I pulled my seat window down a whoosh of breeze slapping hard on my face. The air smelt salty, and I could hear the crashing of the sea on the beach grounds. Was it okay to say I feel exhausted and excited at the same time?

The driver halted in what seemed like a parking lot for receiving guests, I frowned slightly when I saw other cabs there dropping their passengers. Such a liar, I huffed inwardly. He was looking for naive passengers to exploit, unfortunately, I made myself available. I trudged out of the car, paid my fare and watched as he unloaded my bags. I felt the exhaustion from all the travelling gently sink in, I wanted nothing more than a warm bath before I hit the bed.

A trolley was provided and I was greeted by a staff, who loaded my bags and urged me to follow him. I did walking into reception to check in my reservation. Done with all my paperwork, I followed the man with my bags as he led me to the outside of the complex housing the reception to a different part of the resort. I feasted my eyes at how colourful the night here seemed.

The path I walked on was the only part cemented, the white pristine beach sands covered pretty much everywhere with palm trees towering over me.

I could hear the ocean crashing on the beach, the cool evening breeze whipping my hair long overdue for a cut into my face.

We soon arrived where I would be staying, and to say I wasn't blown I would be lying, a modern stilt duplex built with sturdy bamboo sticks.

There were two sections of the building, the lower and upper sections. The building was built in such a way it sloped as though it would fall but the arch of the upper floor corrected that.

According to the staff I followed, I would the staying on the upper floor. These were suites built for people who choose the resort's exclusive plan. I had no idea what this means because I was gifted this.

Thanks to Gracie for this.

We climbed up and he opened my suite for me after he left I felt the exhaustion from all the walking, and journeying come back to my tired body. I couldn't do anything, even an attempt to unload my luggage would kill me. Slowly I stripped to nothing and moved to the bathroom, it was decent, very clean, and almost spotless from how pristine and white everything was. My warm shower took some time to get ready, so I halted it, feeling an enormous need to sleep. Went into the cubicle and let the lukewarm water wash me.

Once I was done, I tied my towel and collapsed on the bed.

Author's Note

Marcus in the next chapter\(◎o◎)/

And he meets Juliette 😌
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