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Silly woman, I breathed out vexed. I was vexed at everything, everyone including myself.

The sources of my vexation I know too well, that cursed party then that woman. Her furious green orbs stared into my eyes, she didn't lower them like I wanted her to at the party but they fluttered a bit in fear as I promised to make her apologize.Which she would do in due time. My vexation was different towards both situations, it was odd as well. I was angry at my vulnerability to do anything to change my fate in becoming the CEO of the resorts like my father wanted, I felt frustrated at the fact I was utterly weak and useless and would be poor too without my father's name attached to mine, and if I try venture independently from him.

He had my life at his fingertips, and sadly my passion for other things apart from the resorts was squashed under his feet and broken with no recognition of how bright they once lived in my head.

Tears rolled down my face as I ran after Father, his angry steps on the tiles frightened me but I feared more for what he would do to the set of brushes Mother gifted me before she had an accident, that made her leave me to live in the skies“No, Papa!“ I screamed as he broke them in front of me. The wooden brushes rubbished beyond recognition.

“You are not a painter or artist.“ He yelled at me.He feigned sympathy, trying to gaslight me as his knees touched the ground to level up with me, he cradled my cheeks in his hands and tried wiping my tears to comfort me.His voice was soft as a feather as he spoke gently to me, “You would go to Business School, and study hard. You are the heir to the resorts, Marcus. You will be wealthy and powerful, and famous. Remember who you are, a Rodriguez.“

I sniffled, my body trembling with how shattered I was on the inside. Those sets of brushes were Mother's last gift to me, even though I wasn't going to be an artist, Father should have honoured Mother but no he disrespected her as he has always done when she was alive and even more when she is no longer with us. He had always shown how terrible he was at being a husband and father.

“No.“ My eleven years old self yelled in anger, I felt enraged for the first time, he destroyed the only thing that made me accommodate his presence in my life with him and it made my father unforgiving.

He glared at me, “I was taught never to rebel against my parents. My son won't be doing the same.“He grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the direction of the store room. The terrible cold nights I spent in there, and the awful nightmares I have, each time Father locked me in, made chills travel down my spine. 

“Mama!” I yelled scared, hot tears streaming down my face, my little bravery earlier diminishing.

“No Papa, please don't lock me in the dark room.“

He ignored my pleas and yells and dragged me through the mansion hallways towards the ends of the hall, where the store room was.

“Please Papa,” I begged, my little throat getting raspy and sore from all the yelling.I could feel my wrist burn from his rough grasp on me but Father never listened. Still doesn't.

I should stop expecting him to understand me.

I stood feeling ashamed at how truly vulnerable I was against his visions for me, I was not the man the whole world thinks me to be. Marcus the dashing heir and CEO of the Rodriguez resorts and hotels.I was a puppet in my father's hands, I danced to his tunes and followed whatever strings he pulled in my life. It was an aged vexation against my weakness and uselessness to help myself escape him and sadly I would be adapting soon to the perfect life he had painted for me.

While the woman I crossed paths with twice caused a vexation very far from the resentment and anger I have nurtured for years against my father. It was rather fascinating, I find her fascinating, her big angry eyes and lashing tongue that scalded me unmercifully, ruining whatever ego I had nurtured to cover up how weak I truly was.

All the wealth, power, and fame Father said was all I needed wasn't enough for her she despised me enough to wish death on her person. I recalled her words “With such an attitude, you don't need to worry about this stain. It matches you quite a lot and I was running to be out of here l will kill myself if I am found amongst people like you.“

I hated her guts, I hated the fact she had the choice to be so blatant about how she hated all that I hate as well. She was privileged to be open about it. Audacious even, damn those words said to my face.

I also hated the fact I couldn't stop recounting our encounter together, her words, her voice and her eyes. Her feminine aura drowned me as I got closer to her, my hand slithering to her waist and pushing back till her full bosoms jutted to meet my chest but her eyes matched my glare, I felt her defiance, the challenge that danced within those eyes of hers.

I hate her, and she will be apologizing


Author's note.

Hey! everyone remember to breathe,  okay. 🌬️ No
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